Daily Record

Get into a song and dance routine


FOR Anne Johnstone, the highlight of her social calendar is her Tuesday morning Zumba class. And at 73, Anne has no intention of slowing down or swapping her fast-paced dance-based session for anything slower. About 50 women meet on Tuesdays at the Woodlands Centre in Irvine, Ayrshire, to take part in the Zumba class. It’s an energetic session, with most of the women singing along as they work out under the instructio­n of Zumba teacher Louie Fecou.

“I have exercised for some years now and a friend of mine told me about Zumba,” said Anne. “The image I had was of people dancing and I thought, OK, I will give it a go.

“I haven’t looked back and for the last eight years it’s become the highlight of my week.

“I have met so many lovely people and we often go for a cuppa and a blether after class, I can’t imagine spending my Tuesdays any other way.”

A growing market in the fitness industry is the 50-plus sector, who have managed to take early retirement and suddenly find themselves with disposable income and time on their hands.

Newly retired nurse Val Flett, 55, has always done dance and exercise. Now she has retired, daytime fitness classes have replaced her night-time sessions.

Val said: “I can’t imagine my life without exercise and I am particular­ly passionate about dance classes, so Zumba was always in my plans for when I retired. It was strange at first, swapping my night-time classes for daytime ones but the people you meet are so welcoming, you fit right in straight away.

“Retiring was the best thing I have done. I now have more time for my Zumba, Fitsteps and belly dancing. I recommend it to everyone.”

Instructor Louie says the sessions with his older clients are becoming his favourite.

“More and more people are retiring younger and find that they want to keep fit and get out and about,” said Louie.

“I have to say these clients have so much positive energy and enthusiasm and, more often than not, sing along with the tracks.

“One of my clients had never exercised before but, since retiring from a busy city job, has discovered the benefits. She always tells me that her Zumba class is the happiest hour of the week and, as an instructor, it doesn’t get better than that.

“The days of people staying at home watching TV when they retire are gone – more and more people are keeping active.”

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