Daily Record

Andy had an anus horribilis as celebs finally got out of there


MUNCHING on crocodile anus, holding a spider inside your mouth and being buried alive with snakes were the three finalists’ challenges to bag a feast for their last big meal in camp.

Jacqueline Jossa, 27, was staked on a star for 10 minutes to win their starters as she was bathed in fish guts, mealworms, crickets, scorpions, cockroache­s, spiders and green ants.

When the ants were dropped, Jacqueline said: “Oh no, they’re going to go up my nunny.”

For the final minute, she also had to hold a spider in her mouth – and won.

When Andy Whyment, 38, saw what was coming, he said: “My gag reflexes aren’t great but I’ve got to give it a go.”

Playing for the main courses, he started by eating a witchetty grub. Next up was camel’s hoof, to which

Andy said: “Are you being serious? There’s a lot of fat on there, I can’t bite through it. It tastes a bit like pork.”

He then had to put a whole scorpion in his mouth and started chomping on it, saying: “It’s crunchy, tastes like salt and vinegar crisps… but now it tastes like something has pooed in my mouth.”

Then he was given a pig’s testicle to eat. “Oh what is that? Oh dear lord, this is going to take me a while, boys,” he said. “That was the most disgusting thing I’ve tasted in my life,” he said. “I thought I was going to spew the whole lot back up.”

For his final star, he had to eat crocodile anus, which he said looked like a Chinese pancake.

“This is really grisly and tastes disgusting,” he said but still managed to complete the challenge.

The final trial put Roman Kemp, who left the jungle in third place last night, in an Andy

undergroun­d chamber for 10 minutes. Roman dreamed of chocolate fudge cake as more than 50 snakes entered the pit and, despite the “terrifying” experience, he also won.

The trio dined on pizza for Roman, spaghetti bolognese for Jacqueline and a chicken roast dinner for Andy.

 ??  ?? HARD TO SWALLOW Andy

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