Daily Record

Ali Farter is not amused

Joke device in squeaky bum time disturbs final


STUART BINGHAM blew away Ali Carter 10-8 in their Masters showpiece as the phantom raspberry-blower of old London Town struck again.

Play at Ally Pally began to be disrupted during the fifth frame by noises many thought to be from a whoopee cushion.

First Carter was put off while he was at the table and when Bingham came to play his next shot the wind worsened.

While former world champion Dennis Taylor declared it is “not very funny at all”, the audience could not resist laughing.

With a £250,000 first prize on the line, the players and ref Brendan Moore were not amused. Security staff were sent to the area of the auditorium where the noises were heard as the pointless frame was halted before either player could rack up runs.

On inspection a small joke device was discovered under a seat. It is believed to have been placed by a fan sitting elsewhere in the arena and activated remotely.

Bingham went on to carve out a 5-3 lead in the first session only for Carter to win the first four frames in the evening as a break of 133 sent him 7-5 up.

Four frames in a row left Bingham on the cusp of victory and, despite Carter clawing one back, his first century break of the tournament sealed a maiden Masters title.

He said: “The way Ali came out I was thinking of what to say getting beat. How I changed it around I will never know.”

Carter, who only got into the event due to Ronnie O’Sullivan’s late withdrawal, said: “I’ve done better than what I expected.

“I’m gutted not to win but you can’t argue with that – he finished very well.”

Asked if bitter rival O’Sullivan would be back on his Christmas list he added: “He’s always been on my Christmas card list – I’m not sure I am on his though.”

 ??  ?? NO BUMMER Bingham shows off his Masters trophy last night
NO BUMMER Bingham shows off his Masters trophy last night

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