Daily Record

Total lack of respect shown to manager is absurd.. Derek has helped drag club up in last 7 years

Furious Reds No.2 Docherty leaps to McInnes’ defence


TONY DOCHERTY has insisted it is “absurd” and “prepostero­us” elements of the Aberdeen support who have called for Derek McInnes to be sacked.

The Dons No. 2 has launched a staunch defence of his manager after a small section of the Red Army chanted for “McInnes to get to f***” after the stalemate at St Mirren.

Docherty believes the treatment of his boss has been “hugely disrespect­ful”.

He also believes McInnes has shown a loyalty to Aberdeen, when he turned down Rangers and Sunderland, that has not been reciprocat­ed by a section of their own support.

Docherty said: “I’m angry. I know the manager and it’s something that’s galling.

“I would use the words absurd and prepostero­us because as well as this manager has done since he’s come here he’s also shown a huge amount of loyalty to this club, its fans and its staff.

“He will never shirk from anything. He knows we need to be doing a little bit better just now. But with the situation and the way that narrative is that loyalty has to be reciprocat­ed.

“I find it hugely disrespect­ful. We need to put into perspectiv­e that it was probably half a dozen supporters who made the chant.

“We have had loads of correspond­ence from fans saying they were embarrasse­d, that they didn’t want to be a part of that. But I find it hugely disrespect­ful the narrative is there.”

Docherty understand­s the frustratio­n they lost to Motherwell and dropped points at St Mirren but he is adamant Aberdeen are still on course for third spot and a Scottish Cup run.

He also reckons McInnes’ work in seven years at the club speaks for itself.

Docherty said: “We’ve been to four cup finals, four semi-finals, we’ve won a cup and this is all since Derek took over this club.

“He’s got a 55 per cent win ratio, we’ve finished on more than 70 points four times which nobody outwith the Old Firm has done. It’s hugely disrespect­ful there’s a narrative there – and it’s coming from people who should know better.

“We’re not in a position like other clubs who are struggling for form, we have lost three games in three months.”

Docherty also dismissed claims things had maybe gone stale for McInnes, as they fell from second to fourth last term behind Steve Clarke’s Kilmarnock.

He said: “I see him as more driven now than he was the first day. He’s first in every morning, he is the most hard-working manager and gets the success he deserves because of that.”

There’s been even more noise because new chairman Dave Cormack has taken over but Docherty insists everyone from the top down is behind McInnes to return the Pittodrie glory days.

He added: “We are on the same page. The objective for the second half of the season has been set, finishing third and getting that European spot for a seventh year.

“And going as far as we can in the Scottish Cup, hopefully with the rub of the green we can get ourselves another trophy.”

 ??  ?? DRIVEN Hard-working McInnes still has Dons on course for success insists Docherty, left
DRIVEN Hard-working McInnes still has Dons on course for success insists Docherty, left

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