Daily Record

My friend’s daughter tries to get attention and dominate


Dear Coleen

I HAVE a problem with my oldest friend’s daughter. Growing up she was an angel, but she’s now 12 and has turned into an annoying, loud, attention-seeking nightmare.

I love my friend like a sister, but I dread visiting her at home because of her daughter.

She takes over, she talks at the top of her voice dominating the conversati­on, and my friend lets her get away with it.

She is a single parent and I know it can’t be easy for her, and I think she’s worn down by her daughter.

It stops me wanting to spend time with them.

I’ve tried to come up with various options for only spending time with my friend, which makes me feel like a bad person.

I’ve thought there might be an underlying problem with her daughter, such as autism, because she seems unaware of other people’s feelings and personal space.

I’ve tried to speak to my friend about it and encouraged her to speak to her GP, but all to no avail.

It sometimes feels like a black cloud is hanging over our friendship. It’s a sad situation. I miss my friend and tend to keep in touch by phone simply so I can avoid her daughter.

I’m pretty certain other friends in our group feel the same, and my friend sometimes tells me she’s lonely, which might be because we’re all avoiding her daughter. I’m at the end of my tether with it. Please help.

Coleen says

I REALLY feel for your friend – she probably understand­s the situation but doesn’t know how to cope with it. Maybe she’s afraid of a diagnosis or she’s in denial, so she doesn’t want to have anything confirmed by a doctor.

However, there’s a high chance there’s nothing wrong – maybe the discipline hasn’t been there or it’s all about attention and her daughter doesn’t like it when her mum’s focus is taken away from her.

I think when you’re an only child, especially of a single parent, and used to having full attention, it can be hard to share your parent.

I found this when my boys were younger – even if I made a phone call, they’d be trying to talk over it and divert my attention. And being naughty is of course a good way to turn the focus back to you.

I think it would be very sad if you gave up on this friendship. For her to lose you would be a big blow.

You can arrange to see her when it’s just the two of you – when her daughter’s at school, for example. Then see her with her daughter now and again, but just put up with it. Don’t make it sound as if you want to see her alone because you don’t want her daughter there – just say, “It would be great to have a proper catch-up with no distractio­ns”.

Try to have as much empathy as possible – it’s sad to think your friend feels socially isolated.

Now she’s 12 she’s a loud, annoying nightmare

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