Daily Record


»»Leigh admits he nearly walked out on Celtic but decided he had too many critics to prove wrong »»Striker reveals massive debt he owes to Parkhead chief Lawwell and manager Lennon for saving career »»Club insisted he move to Glasgow to be closer to train


THERE was a moment when Leigh Griffiths felt it might be best to walk away from Celtic.

Wipe the slate clean and make a fresh start somewhere else, somewhere far from the Glasgow goldfish bowl. But the thought didn’t last long. Griffiths was battling his personal demons and spending long, lonely days on the treadmill and training ground on his own but the fleeting idea about leaving was replaced with a burning desire to repay the faith and backing he received from the club.

The Hoops striker conceded it’s not something he will ever be able to do – but he’s going to give it a right good go.

Griffiths – who has blasted four goals in five starts since returning from the break – said: “There was a part of me that thought, ‘right, is it worthwhile me just moving completely, get away and try to get a fresh start?’.

“And then the flipside was ‘nah, I’ve got a lot of people to prove wrong here’.

“I’m still far from finished and I will show people that I will come back from this and pick up from where I left off.

“So far I’m doing that but with the help of the gaffer and the players I have behind me they are always keeping me on my toes, making sure I’m all right and making sure I don’t get above my station again.”

Griffiths knows it might not have been his choice to walk away as many clubs would have made the decision for him.

And that’s why he’s more determined than ever to get back to his best.

The Scotland star said: “The club just wanted to see me back on the pitch and scoring goals.

“Thankully that’s where I am now, trying to repay them – but I don’t think I can ever repay the club for the help I’ve had.

“From Peter [Lawwell], to Tom Dickson [safeguardi­ng manager], PR people, backroom staff, to the players, everyone has had a helping hand in getting me back.

“Other clubs might have simply cut ties and said, ‘we’ll let you go, you need to be happy in life’. Celtic knew what they had in me and wanted to get me back on the pitch scoring goals.

“They are seeing that now a year later. I don’t think what I can do on the pitch can repay them but I’ll be doing my hardest in every game to try to do it.”

Griffiths is not resting on any laurels as he knows he’s not quite there yet. But he’s going the right away about it.

His cool strike in the 4-0 win at Motherwell on Wednesday kept up his goal streak and was another example of the superb front partnershi­p he’s formed with red-hot Odsonne Edouard.

Griffiths reckons he’s come a long way – even if he’s closer to the club than ever.

He said: “This time last year I was nowhere to be seen. Now I’m back playing, feeling good.

“It’s just about continuing that way in my day to day life, making sure I’m on the ball in training and looking after myself off the pitch, just making sure I’m right in life.

“What have I changed? Where I’m living for one.

“I had to move through to

Glasgow from Edinburgh, which was a massive change for me. I’ve always stayed in Edinburgh, when I’ve been at Hibs, Dundee and Celtic.

“It was one of the biggest decisions I’ve made but I am loving it. Usually they tell you to get out of Glasgow – I’m looking to get closer!

“It’s all down to the club. They wanted me to be within touching distance of the stadium and training ground for my well-being.”

Griffiths is relishing his return but controvers­y is never far away.

There was Killie’s uncle Albert

I’m still far from finished and I will show people I’ll come back from this


getting pelted by sock tape and an alleged stamp at Hamilton that was dismissed by the SFA.

There’s also the gestures to the pundits and social media snipers who constantly write him off.

Griffiths is doing his best to ignore the noise, which is easier said than done. He said: “There’s people saying I was finished, not just at Celtic but my career.

“But in the here and now I need to look at the bigger picture. It’s the minority who give you stick.

“Most people want to see you doing well.”

Griffiths is doing the business and he’s glad his manager has his back. A heart-to-heart at Hampden after the Scottish Cup Final – when Neil Lennon took him aside and told the striker he still had a major role to play – was just the kick-start he needed for the summer.

Griffiths said: “This is the guy who brought me to the club. I had my troubles before and he signed me.

“He knows what I can do and just having him upstairs, knowing his door is open every day, he is there to listen.”

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 ??  ?? GOOD GRIFF Griffiths netted again in midweek as he continues his Celts progress
GOOD GRIFF Griffiths netted again in midweek as he continues his Celts progress

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