Daily Record

Family demand action over tragic Alan


BY ANNIE BROWN THE family of a dead prisoner have demanded a probe into callous cops who “mocked” him as he lay in agony.

The lawyer acting for relatives of Alan Hay has lodged a formal complaint with Chief Constable Iain Livingston­e after damning criticism of police by a sheriff.

Alan, 49, was so neglected and sick in a Dumfries police cell he was left to lick spilled medicine off a plastic mattress.

Sheriff Linda Ruxton said officers were “derogatory, mocking, offensive and insulting” about Alan and there was “little genuine sympathy shown to a man who was seriously ill”.

In the complaint to Livingston­e, lawyer Aamer Anwar said “officers showed a complete and utter contempt for a dying man” after they ignored his pleas for help.

He added: “The treatment of Alan can only be described as barbaric and lacking in simple human decency.”

Alan collapsed and died within six hours of leaving the police had apologised but said Alan’s relatives had not been contacted directly. He added: “Reviews may well have been conducted and recommenda­tions introduced, but this is pointless when one considers officers failed to heed the cries of a dying man.” He said there was little hope for change given the neglect and callous behaviour shown to Alan by officers in the 24 hours he was in custody. During that time, officers called him an “a**e”, “f***y” and “f***ing d**k” , which the sheriff deemed “disgracefu­l”. Alan, a petty criminal, was arrested at 12.45pm on August 1, 2016, after a disturbanc­e in Dalbeattie, where cops used pepper spray to subdue him. Almost as soon as he arrived in custody, he told cops he had “agonising” pain in his liver and kidneys. Alan’s family said: “Nothing will bring Alan back, but all we want now is for lessons to be learned so no one is allowed to suffer as he did again.”

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