Daily Record


Depraved predator’s victims included 12-year-old girl


A WEIRDO pictured walking a teenager wearing a dog suit on a leash around Glasgow is a convicted paedophile, the Record can reveal.

The 32-year-old sexual predator was sentenced to four years in jail after admitting having sex with two underage girls and committing indecent acts on two others.

Last night, calls were being made for authoritie­s to take action over fears about the women he controls.

The shock image emerged last month on the Record website when he was spotted walking a woman wearing a dog mask on Cathcart Road. The sex beast was spoken to by police but allowed to continue – leading to horrified comments online.

But we can reveal the man was convicted at the High Court in Edinburgh in August, 2007, for a series of sex crimes, including having sex with a 12-year-old girl, after admitting the offences.

Despite his conviction, the man claims he is “controllin­g” 17 women across the country who he treats like dogs in a sexual fetish called Puppyplay.

SNP MSP Joan McAlpine, a member of Holyrood’s committee on commercial sexual exploitati­on, said: “There is a clear and worrying link between this individual’s previous crimes against women and his current behaviour and I would expect the authoritie­s to look very carefully at his activities.”

The 18-year-old woman pictured with him said she was aware he had conviction­s for paedophile offences.

Speaking in front of him, she said: “He’s not a horrible person like people are making him out to be. I forgive him for it all.” She added that she eats “from his hand or from a dog bowl”.

The sex beast is living with and “controllin­g” the young woman in the mask, who he refers to as one of his puppies. He claims to be the master of 17 women and insists they agree to behave like dogs.

Speaking to the Record, the sexual predator – who we can’t name for legal reasons – said: “I’ve paid for what I’ve done wrong. I spent three years in prison. I’ve changed my life.”

But investigat­ions by the Record have found police are investigat­ing him for other sex crimes.

Shocking pic of creep with woman on leash
CONTROLLIN­G Shocking pic of creep with woman on leash

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