Daily Record

Dennis is laid to rest

Walford residents gather to say farewell to as mum Sharon struggles to cope


The day of Dennis’s funeral arrives and it should come as no surprise to find that Sharon is struggling to cope with her grief. She bans all members of the Mitchell clan from the ceremony; even flowers sent by Ben and Lola aren’t welcome.

Linda is determined to be there for her friend but even she can’t help a distraught Sharon through the toughest moment of her life as she says a touching and emotional goodbye to her teenage son.

To make matters worse, Ben and Phil ignore her order for them to stay away by turning up at the wake. Sharon launches herself at Phil and it’s up to Ian and Kathy to intervene.

Ian has his own demons to confront – in the form of Dotty and her incriminat­ing evidence. She refuses to keep quiet about what really happened during the boat trip and promises she will tell Sharon all about what he did if he doesn’t spill the beans first.

But for once, Ian appears to have a stroke of luck. Dotty’s keys to The Arches fall into his lap, allowing him to find and destroy the phone that could otherwise ruin his life. He can’t help gloating to Dotty about it either. But is Ian’s nightmare really over? He certainly isn’t prepared for Dotty’s next move. And she may have an unexpected ally to help her – Bobby has developed a crush on the young mechanic.

Meanwhile, despite her promises and best intentions, Linda simply can’t keep away from booze – Shirley catches her red-handed with a bottle of vodka. After getting some advice from Sharon, the landlady suggests steering clear of the bar from now on.

However, a heart-to-heart puts a new idea in Mick’s mind.

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