Daily Record

Let’s not repeat the lost decade


THE years between David Cameron winning power in 2010 and Boris Johnson entering Downing Street were a lost decade for young people.

Youth unemployme­nt was never cured and people in work invariably held down precarious roles.

Many in their 20s were unable to buy their own homes and face a future much less secure financiall­y than their parents.

The Tory ideology is based on “trickle down” economics but the wealth never seemed to find its way to young workers.

New research shows that urgent action is required if 10 lost years are not to become 20.

Experts fear that Covid-19 will result in mass unemployme­nt, with young people most affected.

According to the Institute for Public Policy Research Scotland, about 50,000 individual­s will be leaving education this year to go straight into a volatile jobs market.

Coupled with existing youth unemployme­nt, as well as tens of thousands of furloughed jobs, we could be witnessing the dreams of an entire generation being dashed.

The IPPR idea of a jobs guarantee fund, which would disproport­ionately benefit young people, is a good one.

It would provide opportunit­ies for learning and working, placements and mentoring.

The Scottish and UK Government­s have largely put aside their difference­s in order to tackle the pandemic.

They should also knock heads together to ensure the problem of youth unemployme­nt does not become a catastroph­e.

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