Daily Record




I’VE never seen Grease. When it first came out, I was too young and then when it came out on video, we didn’t have a video recorder. However, I know every song and all the dance moves. I’ve seen snippets of it, I’ve tried to be Olivia NewtonJohn at fancy dress parties and I’ve met my John Travolta… but I’ve never seen Grease.

I HAVEN’T seen the movie Dirty Dancing. That’s not entirely true – I’ve seen the beginning, bits in the middle and the famous leaping dance sequence at the end (although I only think it’s the end). The 80s was

MY HUSBAND was absolutely shocked and appalled when he found out I’d never seen any of the Indiana Jones films. Growing up, I liked movies but I was more into musicals and Disney. Maybe I’ll wait until my daughter Penelope is older and we could watch it together.

I HAVE seen most Tarantino films but not this one. For some reason I think it’ll be too violent. I’ve always been a bit of a wimp when it comes to blood and guts on screen and this movie was the one everyone spoke about as being ridiculous­ly violent. Meanwhile, I’ve been loving introducin­g my eight-year-old daughter to old films. We recently watched the Indiana Jones series and she absolutely loved it. my era and Dirty Dancing was such a seminal movie that it’s an embarrassm­ent to admit that not only did I miss it at the time but I’ve

THE film starring Donald Sutherland and Julie Christie is a classic, I know, and I know there’s an iconic scene in it which has been parodied in things I’ve seen. But when I tell people I haven’t seen it, they refer to a particular scene and tell me it’s going to scare me out of my mind. never searched it out. As a result, I’ve always been confused by the relationsh­ip between Patrick Swayze and the girl – was it a love story or were they just pals? And why on earth did they want to put “baby in a corner”?

I FEEL like the only person in Scotland who hasn’t seen this film. We almost watched it in school once but our media studies teacher decided it was too historical­ly inaccurate for him to allow it being shown in his classroom. I do love the fact that it made so many millions for Scotland’s tourism economy though and I’m almost certain that it has a positive impact to this day. But I can’t say I’m in any hurry. It looks a bit too Game Of Thrones to me – more fancy dress nonsense.

THERE are certain films that just send out a bad vibe to me, I don’t know what it is. I think I sometimes picture the type of people who would go to see a certain film and think: “Ach, I can’t be bothered sitting among them all.” Maybe that sounds elitist, but it’s the only thing I can think of. I’ve never seen Star Wars, never ever wanted to see it. They’ve made so many Star Wars films now, but I’ve never actually wanted to see a single one of them.


I’VE only ever seen clips of it. I adore Jack Nicholson and I like horror but I’ve just never seen it. I’ve said to the boys a few times during lockdown that we should watch it, but we still haven’t got round to it. Men specifical­ly can’t believe it when I say I haven’t seen it. They also have to repeat it like they haven’t heard me properly: “You’ve never seen The Shining?!”

I’VE never seen Taxi Driver, which is crazy because it is exactly the kind of film I love. I’m not really a rom-com kinda girl. I like dark and scary and I love a bit of Robert De Niro. We’ve been using lockdown to introduce the kids to some more child-friendly classics: making tickets, movie posters and our own popcorn, then sitting down to watch as a family.

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