Daily Record

£1000 Big Name Crossword

Solve the clues and the shaded squares will spell out words linking Robbie Williams and Jon Lovitz, then call or text the numbers below with your prize words for a chance to win £1000.



1 Yellow spring flower (8) 5 Judy’s puppet husband (5) 8 — Triangle, mysterious area (7) 14 Correspond­ing, similar (8) 15 Washing-line clip (7, 3) 16 Weighing little (5) 19 Tall woody plant (4) 20 Groom’s wedding-day partner (5) 21 — Eastwood, actor and director (5) 22 Place of education (6) 25 Ancient Roman garment (4) 26 Parcels and letters (4) 27 Recognised (5) 28 Scheme (4) 31 Marilyn —, star of Some Like It Hot (6) 32 Gravel on a beach (7) 33 Continenta­l currency (4) 36 Picture on someone’s body (6) 37 Remaining (4) 39 Provide meals (5) 45 Item of rowing equipment (3) 46 James —, fictional secret agent (4) 47 Document sent by a seller (7) 48 Front of your lower leg (4) 49 Sweet roll (3) 51 Citrus fruit (5) 52 Factually accurate (4) 53 Dried grape (6) 57 Back part of a foot (4) 59 Raise objections (7) 61 King Edward vegetable (6) 65 Shortage (4) 66 Indigenous people of New Zealand (5) 67 Cooing bird (4) 68 Seize suddenly (4) 70 Star sign of the Bull (6) 71 Low-cost (5) 73 Incensed (5) 74 Powdery dirt in a chimney (4) 80 Area of moorland (5) 81 General mood (10) 82 Operation to tackle wrinkles (4-4) 83 Red —, misleading clue (7) 84 Section of a poem (5) 85 Long paper ribbon (8)


1 Warehouse (5) 2 Emergency vehicle (4, 6) 3 — Fools and Horses, classic sitcom (4) 4 Sweet food in a cornet (3, 5) 6 The — Duckling, fairy tale (4) 7 Adorably pretty (4) 9 Tense and irritable (4) 10 Nastiness, spite (6) 11 Vicar’s neckband (3-6) 12 Top surface in a room (7) 13 Rotate quickly (4) 17 Britain’s Got —, TV show (6) 18 Maturity (9) 23 Miser (9) 24 Sheep’s hair (4) 25 Unexciting (4) 29 Settee (4) 30 Guiding signal (6) 34 Pebble (5) 35 Shear (5) 38 Powdered wheat (5) 40 Pipe (4) 41 — Willoughby, TV star (5) 42 Carriage for a baby (4) 43 Quirky (9) 44 Necklace of linked rings (5) 46 Rigid bracelet (6) 50 US head of state (9) 54 Useful metal (4) 55 Devotion to one’s country (10) 56 Search thoroughly (4) 58 Inspire with confidence (9) 60 Top of a house (4) 62 Minor malfunctio­n (6) 63 Diplomat’s residence (7) 64 Cloudy (8) 69 Book writer (6) 72 Church song (4) 75 Teacher (5) 76 Daybreak (4) 77 Item of footwear (4) 78 Coloured part of an eye (4) 79 In this place (4)

Big Name Crossword solutions in next Saturday’s Daily Record

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