Daily Record


Historic move as hundreds of Scots convicted during 80s strike are set to be cleared


HUNDREDS of Scots miners who got criminal conviction­s during the bitter strike of the 80s are set to be pardoned.

An independen­t review establishe­d by the Scottish Government has proposed the move, which would also cover miners who have since died.

HUNDREDS of Scots miners who received criminal conviction­s during the bitter strike of the 80s are set to be pardoned.

An independen­t review establishe­d by the Scottish Government has proposed the move, which would also cover miners who have since died.

The review team, chaired by John Scott QC, reported that most of the miners’ actions were unlikely to lead to prosecutio­n today and said those affected believed they were punished in a “grossly excessive manner”.

The report concluded: “It is hard to disagree.”

The year-long nationwide strike began in 1984 following a dispute between the miners’ trade union and the state-run National Coal Board over planned colliery closures.

Opposition was led byy prime minister Margaret Thatcher’s Tory government in a bid to break the power of the trade unions.

There were flash points with police on picket lines.

Thousands of miners across the UK were convicted and some were dismissed and black listed from working elsewhere.

Miners remain angry about their treatment and believe they were unjustly targeted by police.

In 2018, the Scottish Government announced a review of the impact of policing on affected communitie­s during the strike.

The report, now with the Government, suggests 1400 miners in Scotland were arrested, with more than 500 convicted.

It also cites other figures which estimate that hundreds of the conviction­s were for breach of the peace.

The report stated: “The impact of conviction­s went beyond the men affected, touching their families and communitie­s, both in terms of the financial consequenc­es of dismissal and unemployme­nt, as well as confidence in the police, judiciary and the state.

“Dismissals followed in many cases, with pensions reduced or lost and re-employment thereafter difficult or impossible to secure for many.

“This compounded a sense of arbitrarin­ess, even injustice.”

It added that some men reported being “crushed” by the combined loss of their work, employabil­ity, income, family, self-respect and dignity.

And it was noted that some suffered nervous breakdowns or committed suicide, with illness and death attributed by the men and their families to the lasting damage of 1984-85.

The review team also included former MSP Dennis Canavan, former assistant chief constable Kate Thomson and Jim Murdoch, professor of public law at Glasgow University.

The group noted that policing had “moved on considerab­ly” since the 80s. The report said of the conviction­s: “Today… it is unlikely that the underlying behaviour in these cases would be the subject of prosecutio­n at all.

“Some positive steps should be taken towards recognisin­g the totality of impacts as a wrong… the Scottish Government should introduce legislatio­n to pardon men convicted for mmatters related to tthe strike.”

The report said a ppardon should apply to mminers who had no pprevious or subsequent cconvictio­ns.

Other examples given inincluded where a fine wwas issued or where the ooffence was a breach of tthe peace.

The Scott report said: “We also recommend tthat the pardon should aapply to those who have ssubsequen­tly died.”

It recommende­d the pardons should come in an Act of the Scottish Parliament, not the Royal Prerogativ­e.

It is understood the Government is sympatheti­c and a working group will be set up to work out the practicali­ties.

Labour MSP Neil Findlay, who pushed for justice for the miners, was praised in the report. He said: “I am delightedd that the independen­t review has takenn on board my suggestion for a pardonn for miners convicted during the strike..

“The scars of that time are still deepp and people have gone to their gravess with this against their names.

“These people were innocent and d victims of a political war waged by y the Thatcher government. This is an n opportunit­y to right a historical l wrong and deliver justice.”

Justice Secretary Humza Yousaf said d he would consider the report and update e the Scottish Parliament next month.

He added: “I understand the strength h of feeling which exists in communitie­s s affected by the miners’ strike and I am m thankful to the many people, including g miners and retired police officers, who o have met me to discuss its impact.”

 ??  ??
 ??  ?? CLASH Miners and police at the Bilston Glen picket line in 1984
UNITY Alex stands with NUM president Arthur Scargill and branch members
CLASH Miners and police at the Bilston Glen picket line in 1984 UNITY Alex stands with NUM president Arthur Scargill and branch members
 ??  ?? BATTLE Margaret Thatcher was determined to break the unions
BATTLE Margaret Thatcher was determined to break the unions

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