Daily Record

£1000 Big Name Crossword


Solve the clues and the shaded squares will spell out words linking Clive James and Miriam Margolyes, then call or text the numbers below with your prize words for a chance to win £1000.


1 Barbecue fuel (8) 5 Chronomete­r used to time races (9) 10 Arachnid (6) 16 Shelf (5) 17 Sports shoe (7) 18 Instruct (5) 19 Thing of value or worth (5) 20 Seldom found (4) 21 Hole left

by a meteor (6) 22 Winter month (8) 23 Twit (4) 26 Elude, evade (5) 28 Circular (5) 29 — elbow, muscle

overuse injury (6) 33 Broad (4) 34 Parasitic insect (5) 35 Give in, change

one’s mind (6) 39 Thing on a list? (4) 40 Gentleman’s

gentleman (5) 42 Surgical

procedure (9) 45 Work for,

merit (4) 47 Cut off,

keep separate (7) 48 Alike (7) 49 Spoiled child (4) 52 Hostility,

resentment (9) 53 Cook a joint

in a hot oven (5) 54 Dull pain (4) 57 Disappear (6) 59 Die down (5) 60 Narrow

country road (4) 64 Sumptuous

residence (6) 65 Old —, former

romantic partner (5) 66 Greek island (5) 70 Bamboo stick (4) 71 Child’s musical instrument (8) 72 Natural aptitude (6) 75 Hindu woman’s garment (4) 79 Frequently (5) 80 Bulge, puff up (5) 81 Facial bristle (7) 82 Church singing

group (5) 83 Fourteen-line

poem (6) 84 Urge on,

support (9) 85 Drink (8)


1 US state with the capital Denver (8) 2 Venomous British snake (5) 3 Workers on board a ship (4) 4 Adapt, change (5) 6 Treeless frozen plain (6) 7 Procession (6) 8 Vegetable with globe and Jerusalem varieties (9) 9 Collier (4, 5) 11 Apex (4) 12 Reduction in price (8) 13 Pitiful, cruel (8) 14 Desire (4) 15 The Taming of the —, Shakespear­e play (5) 24 Saturday Night —,

John Travolta film (5) 25 Large cushion filled with polystyren­e balls (7) 27 Go by car (5) 30 Lift (8) 31 Person who

intimidate­s another (5) 32 Against the law (7) 36 Pickling liquid (7) 37 Layer of a

wedding cake (4) 38 One more (7) 41 Unlucky number? (8) 42 Leave out (4) 43 Common painkiller (7) 44 Child’s —, 1988 horror film about a doll named Chucky (4) 46 Ambush (4) 50 King or queen (7) 51 Manmade

waterway (5) 55 Simple paddled boat (5) 56 Location,

venue (5) 58 Night of October 31 (9) 59 Animal covered in tough protective ‘plates’ (9) 61 Roomy (8) 62 Mass of tiny

marine organisms (8) 63 Heritage,

line of descent (8) 67 Stop (5) 68 Beer-maker (6) 69 Thin twine (6) 73 Large pond (4) 74 Daring, courage (5) 76 Scent (5) 77 Part of the leg (4) 78 Unit of land area (4)

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