Daily Record

Heart op hero Leo turns 16

- By Sally hind

A SCHOOLbOy who overcame major heart surgery celebrated his 16th birthday on Christmas Day.

Leo Simpson, from Chryston, Lanarkshir­e, was banned from running and told he may not see adulthood without the gruelling operation.

Last week, less than two years after his surgery, the teen completed a charity run – and yesterday he celebrated his milestone birthday with proud parents Helen, 42, and Stuart, 49, and brother Kai, 19.

Helen said: “He’s my hero and I’m so proud of everything he’s overcome.”

Leo was born with a heart murmur. At three months old he was diagnosed with aortic valve stenosis, when the valve narrows, and bicuspid aortic valve, a form of heart disease which causes the valves to fuse during developmen­t in the womb.

The family were told he would eventually need open-heart surgery and as he grew older Leo struggled to keep up with his friends as they played sports.

Helen said: “When he got to about 12, he had exercise restrictio­ns put in place.”

He also had to give up playing basketball.

At 14, Leo consented to surgery. Helen said: “They told us if he didn’t have the surgery he may not be here to see his 21st birthday.”

Thankfully, the surgery was a success and Leo embarked on a rehabilita­tion programme.

Feeling stronger than ever, he recently decided he wanted to help other sick kids. His 5k run last week raised almost £800 for Glasgow Children’s Hospital Charity and he also raised £200 for the cardiology unit that treated him by selling Christmas decoration­s.

Helen said: “He’s turned into a lovely young man who is always ready to help people out. The future is looking good.”

To support Glasgow Children’s Hospital Charity, visit www.Glasgow ChildrensH­ospitalCha­rity. org/donate

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Leo Simpson
birthday Leo Simpson

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