Daily Record


A simple but luxuriousl­y silky sauce to top ice cream, chocolate cake, brownies or profiterol­es


Preparatio­n time - less than 10 mins Cooking time - 15 mins Serves - 4 200g good-quality dark chocolate, minimum 70% cocoa solids, chopped 175ml double cream 50ml Whole Milk 30g caster sugar 1 Bring a medium saucepan of water to the boil in a pan, then reduce the heat until the water is gently simmering. 2 Place a heatproof bowl over the water taking care not to allow the base of the bowl to touch the water. Add the chocolate and melt slowly, stirring occasional­ly, until very smooth. Remove the bowl from the heat. 200g double cream 500g butter 400g dark chocolate 130g plain flour 10g baking powder 700g sugar 8 eggs 1 In a glass bowl over a saucepan of hot water on a medium heat melt the chocolate and the butter together. 2 In another bowl beat eggs and sugar together until pale in colour and the sugar has dissolved. 3 Gently fold chocolate into eggs before sifting the dry ingredient­s into the beaten egg mix and folding carefully together to keep the mixture light. 4 Next whip cream to ribbon stage and stir into your chocolate mix. 5 Add into a 12in x 10in baking tray, cook for 35 mins at 180C. Remove from the oven and leave to cool before cutting into 12 pieces and dusting with icing sugar 3 Bring the milk, cream and sugar to the boil in a saucepan over a medium heat, whisking continuous­ly. 4 Pour the boiling cream mixture over the melted chocolate, whisking continuous­ly until the mixture is smooth and well combined.

■ @WOODKRAFTC­heltenham (Instagram) ■ @SimonJWood­UK ■ WOODKRAFT Cheltenham 13 Regent St, Cheltenham

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