Daily Record

Roles reversed as I talked murder with the brilliant Emilia


EARLIER this week, the boot was on the other foot when I became the interviewe­e rather than the interviewe­r.

It’s a strange, almost alien, position for a journalist to be in. We’re used to asking the questions and our opinions on current affairs or events are not needed nor required.

News stories are straight facts without any personal input from the reporter working on it but that doesn’t mean we’re robots without feelings, thoughts or opinions.

This is my 21st year covering crime so of course I have my own perspectiv­es on the cases I have worked on.

So when fellow columnist Professor David Wilson asked me to be on his new podcast, If It Bleeds It Leads, to talk about the so-called Bible John murders the opportunit­y to spar with my old friend was too good an opportunit­y to pass up. The prof is co-hosting the podcast with Silent Witness star Emilia Fox and when he told me she would also be interviewi­ng me, the nerves ramped up a little bit more.

I needn’t have worried as Emilia was absolutely lovely and is fascinated with true crime.

It didn’t feel like an interview at all. More like a chat among friends and yes, the prof and I did have a little sparring session as usual.

We agree on most things crime related but on the subject of Bible John, we are polar opposites.

I have strong views on the issue and won’t be swayed from them.

You’ll have to listen to the podcast to find out what those arguments are but I’ve left you a little clue in this piece.

As for the charming Ms Fox, the invite to come out on a job with me still stands.

Emilia Fox, middle, as Dr Nikki Alexander & Silent Witness cast
HIT SHOW Emilia in BBC drama Silent Witness
TELLY THRILLER Emilia Fox, middle, as Dr Nikki Alexander & Silent Witness cast HIT SHOW Emilia in BBC drama Silent Witness

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