Daily Record

Half of workers say bosses spy on them

Critics brand firms monitoring home workers ‘repugnant’


EXPERTS fear companies are increasing­ly exploiting new technology to spy on staff working at home.

In a recent study, nearly half of home workers said their bosses already used “automated systems to monitor my activity on my devices”.

And one quarter said they were monitored by bosses more at home than they had been in the office.

While two in five said tech systems were being used to monitor their “performanc­e”.

As we revealed yesterday, webcams have been issued to Scottish call centre workers so bosses can see them in their own private spaces.

Last night, the UK’s leading lawyer on employment rights called the move by Teleperfor­mance “repugnant”.

Lord Hendy QC said: “Other employers will no doubt try to follow suit. It is horrifying because it goes beyond what is necessary for the protection of the employer’s interest. The intrusive nature of having a camera in your house is absolutely repugnant.”

He said workers, like anyone else, have a right to privacy in their own homes under article 8 of the European Convention on human rights which is part of UK law. He added: “On that basis, I think it is quite risky what this employer is doing.”

In the largest study of its kind, academics at the University of Strathclyd­e in Glasgow and the University of Manchester contacted 3140 office workers working from home about their experience­s.

And 15 per cent believe bosses had become more intrusive outside of the office.

Four in 10 said their workload has increased, with a third reporting an increase in its intensity, pace and pressure.

And 40 per cent said their mental health had worsened.

One Teleperfor­mance worker told us yesterday: “These webcams are the last straw but we are worried about losing our jobs if we push back.”

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