Daily Record

£1000 Big Name Crossword


Solve the clues and the shaded squares will spell out words linking Bill Bailey and Timothy Spall, then call or text the numbers below with your prize words for a chance to win £1000.


1 Look for (6) 4 Piece for two instrument­s (4) 7 Act of deception (5) 10 Tale with a moral (5) 14 Achieve (6) 15 Military officer (10) 16 Clear and brief (7) 17 Wear away (5) 18 Poem (3) 19 Female relative (4) 20 Unfancied competitor (8) 23 Protector, defender (8) 25 Deceptive display

in cards etc (5) 26 Leave stranded (6) 28 Ceremony (6) 29 Walk unsteadily (7) 32 Probable (6) 34 Japanese

paper-folding art (7) 36 Meddle (6) 38 Antenna (6) 40 Tiny amount (4) 41 Ardour (4) 42 Lack of certainty (5) 44 Leg bone (4) 46 Biting fly (4) 47 Trading centre (6) 49 Main meal (6) 50 Exceptiona­l (7) 52 Upper thigh and

hip area (6) 53 Bird’s quill (7) 55 Ethnic (6) 59 Writer (6) 60 Milk supplier (5) 62 Act of accepting a

child as one’s own (8) 65 Unmarried man (8) 67 Plant part (4) 68 Fasten with string (3) 69 Side of a coin (5) 71 Non-profession­al (7) 73 Inspiring fear or awe (10) 74 Two-piece swimsuit (6) 75 Move to music (5) 76 Team sport (5) 77 Beach grain (4) 78 Upright posture (6)


Animal that feeds on carrion (9) Space traveller (9) Illegal deed (5) Join together (5) Sightseein­g round trip (4) 7 Display, show off (6) 8 Small insect (3) 9 Respectabl­e (6) 10 Ventilator (3) 11 Construct (5) 12 State of crisis (9) 13 Sake, benefit (6) 18 Egg-shaped (4) 21 Study closely (7) 22 National banner (4) 24 Theatre work (5) 27 Compliance (9) 30 Aggregate (5) 31 Senior worker

in a business (9) 33 Existence (4) 34 Narcotic (5) 35 Break the continuity (9) 37 Wet earth (3) 39 Agile (5) 43 Light brown colour (3) 44 Binge (5) 45 Article (4) 48 Confine (7) 51 Tread heavily (5) 52 Panel on

a bedstead (9) 54 Pie (4) 56 Copy, impression (9) 57 Overwhelmi­ng

election victory (9) 58 Rim (4) 61 Illicit romance (6) 63 Genre of

shocking movies (6) 64 In the area, locally (6) 66 Series of links (5) 68 Claw (5) 69 Lifting device (5) 70 Red planet (4) 72 Day before (3) 73 Fruit with

a lot of seeds (3) 1 2 3 5 6

 ??  ??
 ??  ??

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