Daily Record



A DOG was saved by vets after being stung by a swarm of wasps.

Baxter the cockapoo was with owner Iain Stephenson when he was attacked by the swarm.

Iain, 44, told how the three-yearold family pet’s face and coat “was covered” with the insects which attacked while they were on a walk on Sunday morning.

The driving instructor, who suffered stings to his neck, grabbed Baxter and ran to his car.

But minutes later, Baxter collapsed after having a reaction to 10 stings. Iain then made a frantic dash to the vets.

He said: “Baxter was trying to get the wasps off himself but there was too many.

“His face and coat were covered. I got stung a few times on my neck and legs beating them away.

“We managed to escape but as we headed back to the car Baxter started to slow down then just collapsed. I got him to the vet and they put him on a drip and removed the stings. We were lucky.”

Iain, from Paisley, believes they disturbed a huge nest while out on Glennifer Braes.

He added: “It looked like there hundreds of them. They were everywhere. Baxter may have stumbled across the nest and the wasps just attacked.”

The dog went into anaphylact­ic shock as Iain raced him to the Abbey Veterinary Group.

The emergency team at the vets took stings out of his body and treated him for the reaction.

Sharing a heartwarmi­ng picture on Facebook, the team at the vets said the pair were “very grateful” for the quick reactions of the medics.

The Blue Cross animal charity say that if stung by a wasp, try to stay calm and scrape out the sting with a credit card, or any other stiff material, or pull it out below the poison sac, then bathe the area in water.

Don’t squeeze the sting as this could force more of the poison into your dog’s body. Applying ice will help to soothe the sting.

 ??  ?? SCARE Iain with pet Baxter
SCARE Iain with pet Baxter

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