Daily Record

A happy gut can lift your mood as the nights draw in

With winter fast-approachin­g and summer soon to be a distant memory, the changing seasons could impact your microbiome as well as your mood, discovers Amy Packer


PEOPLE who suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) can become depressed during the winter months. But did you know, the changing seasons can also affect our gut microbiome, which, in turn, is linked to our mental health?

Research has revealed that our gut compositio­n changes with the calendar, with studies observing a significan­t seasonal shift in its good bacteria caused by dietary changes between winter and summer.

Our microbiome is a fragile ecosystem, with changes in weather, exposure to infections (which increase in winter), food and physical activity levels all having an impact.

As the gut manufactur­es about 95 per cent of our supply of the happy hormone serotonin, it’s no wonder people end up feeling down in the darkest months.

Dr Federica Amat, chief nutrition scientist for Indi Supplement­s, said: “Changes in temperatur­e and daylight hours and reduced time outdoors greatly impact our mental and digestive health.”

Nutritiona­l therapist Nicola Moore believes changes in daylight patterns affect the gut as summer slides away.

She said: “It creates a shift in gut-produced hormones and neurotrans­mitters, which support our mood, circadian rhythm, hunger and fullness, so can play a role in our food choices.”

So how can you tell if your gut has SAD? “Look out for a shift in bowel movements and whether you feel more sluggish than usual,” said Dr Amat, who believes there are simple ways to stave off issues.

Don’t skimp on sleep

A study carried out by King’s College London revealed nearly two- thirds of adults reported worse sleep during the pandemic. This can have a negative effect on your good bacteria. Aiming for eight hours each night and keeping bedtime and your wake-up regular will help to keep good gut bacteria thriving.

Step into the light

As days get shorter, heading outside for some natural light becomes more important. Gentle exercise in a green space after lunch will not only help your mood, it will help your body metabolise your food, minimising blood glucose spikes and avoiding a 3pm slump. Plus it boosts vitamin D levels. Research from British Columbia found those deficient in vitamin D have a less diverse and balanced gut microbiome. And between October and April you’ll need to pop a pill as there’s not enough sunlight to make it


Eat more fibre

Changes in daylight hours can impact our digestive health

Nine out of 10 people aren’t eating even half the recommende­d 30g of fibre each day. But a study revealed increasing fibre for a fortnight can improve gut microbiome. It is important to eat wholegrain and wholemeal foods, plus fruit and veg, but there will still be times when we struggle to meet that 30g figure. “Enhancing our dietary intake with a fibre-rich supplement powder, like prebiotic Indi Body (£45 for 30 servings, indisupple­ments.com), can help balance our microbiome,” said Dr Amat.

Supplement your diet

“Probiotics can be a useful tool to manage gut-related health issues, helping keep the lining of our gut strong,” said Nicola.

You can adapt supplement­s to fit the seasons. Kalla Immune Health (£49, for one month, kalla.com), for example, is fortified with Vitamin D3, B12 and folic acid, and will help keep your immune system strong in winter.

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