Daily Record

Logan: Broonie will be great for Dons ...I would always want a guy like that in my team


SHAY LOGAN insists he has no issue with Scott Brown and is adamant Aberdeen will be a better team with their new captain leading from the front.

The former Dons star had more than his fair share of run-ins with Brown and Celtic through his seven years at Pittodrie.

Logan, now at Cove Rangers, then added to it when Brown launched the new Aberdeen strip this summer as he tweeted: “You can’t polish a turd.”

The veteran defender, however, has seen Brown up close and personal and accepts he is a player you’d always want in your team.

Logan said: “Let’s be serious, he’s not going to Rangers. The next biggest club outside those two? It’s probably Aberdeen, so why not? Stranger things have happened.

“I hope he does well for them and brings the same energy to Aberdeen as he did for Celtic.

“If he doesn’t, he’ll have people on his back.

“The thing is with Scott Brown – a lot of people might hate him but I always used to say, you wouldn’t mind having a Brown in there, whether you like him or not.

“You see the type of player he is and teams will benefit from having someone like that. I hope that Aberdeen do benefit from it.”

The 33-year-old might have been released by the Dons in the summer but when it comes to Scottish football he will always be a red.

Logan said: “I understand sometimes your face doesn’t fit anymore and they want to go down a different route. It was a good experience for me and the only thing I would change was the way it ended at Aberdeen.”

Logan was a stalwart under Derek McInnes but thinks the decks were being cleared for Stephen Glass’ arrival as boss.

The Englishman said: “I didn’t play one game, then I’d play Rangers and Sporting Lisbon away. I was trusted in the big games but in the ones you should win, I was left out.”

 ??  ?? LOVE-HATE Logan clashed with Brown but wishes him well
LOVE-HATE Logan clashed with Brown but wishes him well

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