Daily Record

£1000 Big Name Crossword


Solve the clues and the shaded squares will spell out words linking GILLIAN ANDERSON and KENNETH BRANAGH, then call or text the numbers below with your prize words for a chance to win £1000.


1 Fire raisers (9) 6 Reserve for a special

purpose (3,5) 10 Meets and crosses (6) 15 Business associate (7) 16 Aloe plant (5)

17 African country (5) 18 Fencing swords (5)

19 Top secret US region, – 51 (4) 20 Strata (6)

21 Legal representa­tive (8) 22 Award-winning actress, Laura

- (4) 25 Family member (6) 26 Cattle group (4) 28 Brazilian dance (5,4) 29 Is of the same opinion (6)

31 Prosecutes (4) 32 Line on a weather map connecting points of same temperatur­e (8) 36 Distort (4) 37 Notorious seducer (8) 39 Practises boxing (5) 42 Accumulate­s over time (7) 44 Sailors (9) 46 Makes fast or firm (7) 48 Rising or falling sharply (5) 50 Continuous or flowing (8) 51 BBC newsreader, –

Munchetty (4) 53 Given back (8) 55 Countryfil­e presenter, –

Baker (4) 57 Cope with limited means (4,2) 59 Able to be hammered into

shape (9) 61 Hitch (4) 62 Singer, – Dion (6) 66 TV presenter, – Williams (4) 67 Drives backwards (8) 69 Wartime German prison (6) 70 EastEnders actor, – Wood (4) 74 Texan battle site (5) 75 Investment (5) 76 Wide open (5) 77 Colombian singer of Hips

Don’t Lie (7) 78 Regard (6) 79 Reappraise (8) 80 Wizards or magicians (9)


1 First Greek letter (5) 2 Waiters (7) 3 Prohibited act

(informal) (2-2) 4 Shriek (6) 5 Traps (6) 6 Shuts forcefully (5)

7 Young adults (9) 8 Vision (5) 9 Forceful and bitter verbal

attack (8) 11 Declare (4) 12 Dock worker (9)

13 TV presenter, – Reid (7) 14 Safe places (6) 23 Young hares (8) 24 Port on the Loire (6) 25 Criticise severely (4) 27 Day when a birth is

expected (3,4) 30 Phrase differentl­y (7) 33 Pews (5) 34 Handle incorrectl­y (6) 35 Sworn enemies (4) 38 Accumulate (5) 40 Cost of flight (7)

41 Former German ruler (6) 43 Lexicograp­her, – Dent (5) 44 Large water bird (4) 45 Listening attentivel­y (3,4) 47 Parlour game (8) 49 Composer, Cole – (6) 52 Jest (4) 54 Distinguis­h between (4,5) 56 Interpret (9) 58 Romantic song (8) 59 Knead muscles (7) 60 Chicken portion (6) 63 Suppose (7) 64 Intense beams of light (6) 65 Julius –, Shakespear­e

tragedy (6) 68 Prophets (5) 69 Durations (5)

71 Tests (5) 72 Burden (4) 73 Welsh borough, – of

Glamorgan (4)

Big Name Crossword solutions in next Saturday’s Daily Record

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