Daily Record



RYAN STEVENSON’S Record Sport column caused a stir when he claimed the SPFL Premiershi­p shutdown should remain until fans are safely allowed back into stadiums.

The former Hearts midfielder had a split camp with his claim as some callers believe the show must go on.

Paul Walker, Irvine, said: “It was a bold statement by Stevenson but it’s hard to argue as football is nothing without the atmosphere that fans create. We are in unique times and maybe shutting the doors completely until this virus is under control would be the best option. I had my fill of watching glorified bounce games last season.”

Derek Anderson, Shotts, said: “Stevenson’s column didn’t miss Neil Doncaster or the SPFL but he has a point. Watching games being played in empty stadiums is a waste of time and takes away from the genuine competitiv­e element of games. If we have to wait until February to get fans back then so be it but we should restart the league then.”

Robert Robertson, Barnsley, said: “Stevenson is entitled to his view but I couldn’t disagree more. I would rather have football with no fans than no football at all. For a lot of people the thought of watching their team, albeit on TV, is helping them get through these extraordin­ary times. There is a mental health timebomb ticking and closing down football could just be the catalyst that sets it off.”

Edward Fraser emailed: “All of these players and managers complainin­g about having to play matches when their team is down to only a certain number of players available should be looking at their protocols and at their players if they are catching Covid.

“They should not be blaming the SPFL who, with ‘I’d rather have football with no fans than no football at all. For a lot of people, watching their team on TV helps their mental health’ the clubs’ consent, agreed to playing matches this season with a minimum number of players available. Let’s hope after this break fans are allowed back into the stadiums but I’m not holding my breath.”

Paul Price emailed: “Hotline caller Muir Fulton made a point about Graeme Souness saying ‘nobody likes us, we don’t care’.

“I take it he also bought into that other great Rangers quote, ‘for every five pound Celtic spend we’ll spend a tenner.’? How did that work out for your team?”

Kenny Houston emailed: “Park’s of Hamilton want the SFA to investigat­e the deal between the SPFL and cinch, as they are being excluded from the arbitratio­n talks between the SPFL, cinch and Rangers regarding the sponsorshi­p conflict. But why should Park’s of Hamilton be involved? They are basically the cause, trying to force the SPFL to get rid of cinch as they are a rival.”

Andrew Mathieson emailed: “So the SFA are going to be investigat­ed by the buddies along the corridor on Hampden’s sixth floor. What a joke. I guarantee the outcome will be that the SPFL have done nothing wrong and it’s all Rangers and Douglas Park’s fault.”

Jimmy Mac, Glasgow, said: “Brendan Rodgers is having a laugh if he thinks he can get Joe Aribo on the cheap in January.

“If Rangers win the league that’s £40million in Champions League money and Aribo is a minimum £20m player. That’s a possible £60m return.

“The days of English clubs stealing players from Scottish clubs with pennies is over.” And finally some cricket. Joe Wilson, Spean Bridge, emailed: “What a gubbing the English rounders team got from the Aussies in the Ashes. It was a very satisfying result.”

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