Daily Record


‘And they haven’t learned lesson’


TORIES are addicted to chaos and voters have been left with a £8billion bill from their carnage, Labour has claimed.

Its campaign chief, Pat McFadden, has warned the turmoil will just continue if the Conservati­ves manage to cling to power.

He highlighte­d how taxpayers are being hit with eye-watering bills including the calamitous scrapping of the northern leg of HS2 after £1.4billion was already spent.

Immigratio­n chaos has led to the Home Office needing a £2.6billion bailout after unforeseen expenditur­e on hotels for asylum seekers.

Meanwhile the decision not to hold a general election on May 2, the same day as local elections, will cost an extra £33million.

McFadden said: “Rishi Sunak has presided over a Conservati­ve Party in chaos and has saddled the taxpayer with the bill. These shocking costs are the result of a party out of ideas, more interested in looking inwards than facing, and delivering for, the country.

“The country needs change and it is a Labour government that will deliver it.”

Over 1.4million homeowners are due to come to the end of fixed mortgage deals in the coming financial year, with repayments typically increasing by £240 a month. According to Labour, this will leave them paying £4.1billion extra next year. Eight by-elections, costing £250,000 each, have been called in previously Tory-held seats since Sunak became PM. MPs forced to stand down over scandal and sleaze include former deputy chief whip Chris Pincher, who was accused of assaulting guests at a Tory club, and Peter Bone who was accused of flashing his researcher. In an article for our sister paper, the Mirror, McFadden wrote: “Even a cautious estimate of the cost of Tory chaos runs into billions of pounds. And it won’t stop. “If the Tories won again it would all just carry on. There is nothing to suggest they have learned their lesson.”

 ?? ?? oUT oF iDeaS Sunak has presided over calamity
oUT oF iDeaS Sunak has presided over calamity
 ?? DAMNING Labour’s Pat McFadden ??
DAMNING Labour’s Pat McFadden

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