Daily Record

Far-right crew are ‘threat to public safety’

Intelligen­ce report reveals police kept tabs on white nationalis­t group during anti-asylum seeker protests

- By Billy BRiggS

A FAR-RIGHT group behind anti-asylum seeker protests was trying to recruit “disgruntle­d locals” and is a “threat and risk” to public safety, says a UK-wide police body.

An intelligen­ce report marked “official sensitive” by the National Police coordinati­on centre (NPcc) reveals protests held in erskine by Patriotic Alternativ­e (PA) were under surveillan­ce and the white nationalis­t group is viewed as a “national priority”.

last night an MP dubbed the group “a fairly pathetic bunch” and said the vast majority of people rejected their “ignorant bigotry”.

the Ferret website revealed last year that PA was hijacking protests in the renfrewshi­re town and trying to exploit concerns over asylum seekers being housed in a local hotel.

two members who travelled from england for the demos were later jailed for race hate crimes. one was a white supremacis­t while the other was linked to the banned neo-Nazi terror group, National Action.

the home office used the Muthu hotel to house asylum seekers from January 2023, a move opposed by PA and a breakaway faction called homeland.

Far-right activists were met with counter-protests by trade unions, anti-racism groups and community members. Asylum seekers were to be removed from the erskine hotel by this month.

the NPcc’s intelligen­ce report said PA gets involved in community issues because these “represent increased recruitmen­t opportunit­ies of disgruntle­d locals”.

NPcc was set up in 2013 and is a uk-wide unit that brings all forces together, including Police scotland.

Its report on PA documents the group’s presence at antiasylum seeker protests in

erskine and elsewhere in the uk and reveals it is assessed on a “monthly basis”.

NPcc said 12 members of PA were among 30 protesters in erskine on March 5, 2023 and some “conducted speeches”.

there was a counter-protest which included “20 identifiab­le as members of Young communist league who were all dressed in black with hoods or hats and red face coverings”. At a demo on March 19, 2023, PA activists were joined by “local people voicing concerns about refugees being housed in a hotel”, the NPcc said. It added: “PA was led by their scotland organiser and, at peak, the total numbers in the main demonstrat­ion reached 50.” on March 26, there were approximat­ely 35 protesters outside the hotel. the NPcc said PA campaigns around “antimultic­ulturalism and immigratio­n issues, as well as periodic focus on drag queen story hour events”. last year violence erupted during a PA protest in london outside tate Britain over the gallery’s Drag Queen story hour event for children. online donations to PA are also monitored by police, as well as the group’s “publicity stunts’’ such as “banner drops across the country to raise awareness for white nationalis­t and anti-immigratio­n causes”.

PA unfurled a “white lives matter” banner at the top of Ben Nevis in 2021.

Groups affiliated to PA such as North east Infidels and Active Patriot are also under surveillan­ce. the NPcc reports to the National Police chiefs’ council which brings police leaders together.

Gavin Newlands, MP for Paisley and renfrewshi­re North, said: “As we have seen at erskine, the far-right try to latch on to anything they think might help promote their twisted world view.

“these extremists came to our community in an attempt to intimidate and bully asylum seekers and those providing solidarity to them.

Despite attempts to recruit locals to their campaign of hate, the vast majority of the people of erskine rejected their ignorant bigotry wholeheart­edly and without equivocati­on. “clearly, they are a fairly pathetic bunch, as borne out by the police intelligen­ce report stating ‘there was low attendance at most protests’, but their white supremacis­t ideology of hatred – and the history of violence that permeate such groups – means it is no surprise the authoritie­s are keeping a watchful eye on them.” last month PA was accused of promoting “neo-Nazi” ideology at Westminste­r by Michael Gove MP. the group will be assessed under the uk Government’s new definition of extremism. PA was asked to comment.

They try to latch on to anything to help promote their twisted world view gavin newLands, mp

 ?? ?? haTe Newlands
haTe Newlands
 ?? ?? angeR Patriotic Alternativ­e members hold demo in Erskine
angeR Patriotic Alternativ­e members hold demo in Erskine
 ?? ?? FURy Protests over took place asylum hotel
FURy Protests over took place asylum hotel

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