Daily Record



DYLAN FORREST says the last fortnight has been “10 times worse” watching Stranraer slip to the foot of the pyramid while standing stationary at the side.

now the man who spends his week working in car sales insists the Blues dare not lift their foot off the throttle in their bid to motor clear of trouble.

Scott Agnew’s side face champions Stenhousem­uir at Stair Park today, sitting two points behind a Clyde side on the road to elgin.

Forrest will be back on hand to help try to avoid a play-off double-header with east Kilbride after last month’s yellow at Spartans triggered a two-match ban.

Stranraer may have gone four games without a goal but ending that drought won’t suffice as far as Forrest is concerned with just two goals splitting the bottom two as well. He said: “It’s 10 times worse watching because you know you can’t have any impact. You’re a bag of nerves watching it, so it’s frustratin­g.

“We’ve been struggling in the final third but on Saturday we just need to go ( for it) because if Clyde draw and we win it will then go to goal difference.

“If we win and they lose we’re safe. And if they win it doesn’t matter. We just need to try to get as many goals as we can and see where that puts us.

“Clyde are two goals better off. If we go for it and get beat getting caught on the counter then we’ve had a go and there’s not much else you can do.

“The good thing for us is we’re at home. We’re competitiv­e at home, we do a lot better and have struggled away this term.”

Lee Hamilton has already collected Clyde’s player of the year award – despite only arriving in December – and insists they’re heading to Borough Briggs “to try to make a statement” rather than hope for the best. And the defender continues to go to the well to ensure the Bully Wee’s time in the SPFL isn’t cut short.

He said: “I’ve been playing through a niggle the last three, four weeks. I got a grade one strain in my thigh so it’s just been a case of managing it.

“I’ve not been doing a lot of training. Where I can, the gaffer has said, ‘We will rest you up.’

“So I’ve been in with the physios doing rehab Tuesdays and Thursdays, trying to do a wee bit on a Thursday so I’ve at least got something in my legs before the weekend.

“Then last Saturday I went in for a tackle and I think I bruised my heel as well. It’s a case of trying to get that rehabbed by Saturday – but I’ll be fine.

“It’s only 90 minutes, if I struggle on Sunday I’ll struggle on Sunday – as long as I’ve Saturday out the way.”

Boss Ian McCall left the choice to Hamilton of whether to sit out during the run-in but the sparky added: “I just said, ‘I need to do this for myself.’

“If I sit out for two weeks and it doesn’t get better I have just missed two weeks of games for no reason’.

“If I play and nothing gets worse then I’ve tried to help the team as best I can.

“I told the gaffer if I was struggling, not able to walk, I’d hold my hand up. But for 90 minutes on Saturday I can rest Sunday-Monday and see the physios Tuesday, so I have time to recover.”


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