Daily Star Sunday



A HEARTBROKE­N youngster kissed the television when a photo of her terror attack victim stepmum flashed up on the screen.

Seven-year-old Phoebe Winslow had just been told the horrific news by her dad Ian that Kelly Brewster had been killed in the Manchester Arena bombing.

Moments later, when her picture was shown on TV, the devastated youngster walked over to it and kissed her goodbye one last time.

Ian’s dad John Winslow said of Kelly: “She loved Phoebe – they were like sisters.” Ian has been keeping a vigil at the hospital bedsides of Kelly’s sister Claire Booth and daughter Hollie, who she died trying to protect.

It is thought Claire has a broken jaw and Hollie has two broken legs as well as other injuries.

John recalled the moment he was told a bomb had gone off at the concert.

He said his son searched for Kelly all night when he could not get through to her phone but instinctiv­ely knew his girlfriend was dead. John, from Sheffield, said: “Ian rang me at 11.15pm and said, ‘a bomb’s gone off at the concert in Manchester’.

“He drove straight over to Manchester. “But when he got there, they wouldn’t let him anywhere near the arena. I waited up all night – I kept texting him the latest news developmen­ts.

“I rang him but he said, ‘she’s gone dad’. He hadn’t been told at this point but he said he just knew.

“He slept in his car that night and found out she had died on Tuesday. “He was told there was an unnamed female survivor, so he was hoping but it wasn’t Kelly.”

The couple, who met at Kelly’s 30th birthday party just over two years ago, were a “match made in heaven” according to John.

They had put down a deposit on their dream home hours before the attack and were trying for a baby.

But on Tuesday, just over 24 hours later, devastated Ian was forced to cancel the deal. John said: “They were planning their life together. Ian is all over the place. He is looking after his daughter Phoebe, he’s travelling to see Claire and Hollie.

“He doesn’t say much but you can see he is heartbroke­n.

“Ian had just sold his house and moved in with Kelly so they could put down this deposit.”

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KILLED: Kelly Brewster

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