Daily Star Sunday



Her horrified sister Chrissie rushes her to hospital where they wait anxiously to find out whether everything is going to be OK. As viewers know, Rebecca got pregnant following a one-night stand with Robert Sugden. During last week’s episodes, he finally told his husband Aaron Dingle what had gone on. This week viewers will see Aaron warming to the idea of Robert becoming a dad and he gives him his support.

The popular couple, dubbed Robron by viewers, look like they may become a happy family, despite Robert insisting he wants nothing to do with the child.

But Rebecca ends up doubled over in pain, sparking fears she could lose the baby.

An Emmerdale insider said: “Robert doesn’t care about Rebecca or the baby. All he wants is Aaron.

“But Aaron is coming round to the idea of Robert becoming a dad and it looks like they will get through his cheating.

“The news came as a huge shock but it’s a more mature Aaron we see as he looks to his future.

“He loves taking care of his little sister Liv and reckons becoming a dad could be the making of Robert.

“So it really would be cruel if Rebecca lost their baby.

“Everything is now out in the open so there is no reason for him not to be involved.”

Watch the scenes and find out what happens to Rebecca’s baby during tomorrow night’s episode on ITV.

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