Daily Star Sunday

PM pledge on quitting Europe


PRIME Minister Theresa May last night vowed to make sure Brexit happens.

Despite negative publicity in recent weeks, she told Brits the job of leaving the European Union was well on its way.

The PM said: “You, the British people voted to leave the European

Union and that is what we are going to do. I will not be derailed from my duty to deliver your democratic decision.

“Amid all the noise, this government is getting on with the job. We are looking ahead with optimism as we secure a smooth and orderly Brexit while taking back control of our borders, money and laws once again.

“And we are seizing the opportunit­y to build a Britain fit for the future.”

Her comments come as she looks set to avoid a humiliatin­g second Commons defeat.

A compromise deal was reached within Tory ranks over plans to write the Brexit date in law. Rebels who helped inflict Mrs May’s first Commons defeat on Wednesday lined up behind the compromise.

She added: “Last week marked a watershed as the European Parliament and the European Council agreed we have made sufficient progress to move to the next stage of negotiatio­ns. “First, we have reached agreement to protect citizens’ rights. I was clear from the outset that I wanted to protect the rights of EU citizens living in the UK. But I was equally clear that we had to protect the rights of UK citizens living in EU countries too. This was not a choice: we needed both and that is what we got. “Second, talks will begin immediatel­y to agree the implementa­tion period that I proposed. This will give millions of families and businesses the time and certainty they need to prepare for the changes required by our future partnershi­p with the EU.”

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