Daily Star Sunday

‘ I don’t get why my cleavage makes people so frustrated!’

TV presenter Maya Jama on body confidence and her plans to take over the acting world


From presenting Save Our Summer alongside Peter Crouch to starring in her first acting role in Netflix series The Duchess, Maya Jama’s career is on the rise this year. The ambitious star has her sights set on further acting roles – and even landing her own TV show one day.

“I want to do everything and if it works, it works and if it doesn’t, it doesn’t. I don’t want to look back and think, why didn’t I try this?” says the 26-year-old, who is currently single, following a very high-profile relationsh­ip with rapper Stormzy.

Here, gorgeous Maya tells us why people need to get a grip when it comes to showing off her body, and opens up on conquering the acting world and dating in the public eye…

Your career is going so well, Maya. Do you ever get pinch-me moments whenn you think about what you’ve achieved? hieved?

A little bit. Especially cially with the acting and The Duchess. I watch Netflix all the time me and to even be a part of it, even though it’s a tiny part, is like, “What!” at!” I’ve had messages es from people all over the he world and the response has been en overwhelmi­ng.

It’s made me feel l more confident.

So we’re going to see you in more e acting roles?

Hopefully. I’d love e to do more acting g and more TV stuff ff as well. My aim this year was to be more of a TV face and I feel like everything is going to plan in that world. I want to become a household name while doing things I love at the same time.

So have you been going to acting classes?

Yes. Before the audition for The Duchess – and I’ve been doing some other auditions – I did have some acting classes. I’m aware that acting is a very serious job and people train for years, so I haven’t been taking it lightly. As a TV presenter you spend so long working on being yourself on camera, so being someone completely different is a challenge.

Can you tell us what else you’ve auditioned for?

I can say one I didn’t get. It was the Eurovision film on Netflix [ Eurovision Song Contest: The Story Of Fire Saga]. Saga] I went for the role of the Italian It lady and my accent was so trash. I didn’t expect to get g that one. At the beginning beginn of anyone’s career, the th nos always feel like lik the end ewo of the world, but it works out in the end. I try to t take each no as that t it wasn’t right for me or I need to work harder. The other ones haven’t come out yet so I can’t say. I’m supposed to be doing a film, but it’s been delayed because o of coronaviru­s.

It It’s scheduled for D December now.

Are there any shows you’d love to be the face of?

Everything I love watching. I’m obsessed with 90 Day Fiancé and shows like that are people based. I would love to be involved in that, but I’m not going to be a contestant [laughs]. I want to have my own show one day.

Did you enjoy Save Our Summer? Have you been round to Peter Crouch’s for dinner?

No, but I’m really good friends with Abbey [Clancy] and after the series I loved Peter. He’s the most amazing co-host and such a nice, normal guy. When everything is back to normal I’m sure we’ll hang out together again. But it was so fun. It was just such a blessing to be able to do something when there wasn’t much going on. I was at a restaurant the other day and somebody came past and said to me, “Hi, I’m Maya Jama and I’m here to save your summer.” Then they asked me if I could save their winter, too!

You hit back at a viewer who said they felt “awkward” at seeing your cleavage during the show. How did that make you feel?

That was all a bit wild. If you have a problem with seeing a tiny bit of cleavage on a show then you must be so stressed out when you go to the beach or to a pool because it’s everywhere and it’s a normal human body part. I don’t get why it gets you so frustrated. Hopefully people will get over that.

You’ve also said you prefer having a fuller body, too…

My weight has always been up and down, and then being on a public platform people just love to comment on it. My ideal body type has never been size zero. Everyone just puts their opinions on you and says, “Hey you should have stayed like this,” but I’m actually happy how I am

– I don’t need your opinions.

Are you looking for love at the moment?

Right now being single is good. It’s a weird time right now, too, so I’m treating this as time to spend on myself and focus on work. I’m definitely not on the hunt.

Would you date someone in the public eye again?

I think you can’t help who you meet and what situations you meet in. But when you’re in the public eye yourself it’s obviously a bit easier when everything is private. It’s hard

‘Dating in the public eye is not easy. You have more paranoia’

to meet people. Dating in the public eye is not easy. It’s like dating in normal life but you just have way more eyes on you and paranoia.

Are you inundated with people asking you out on social media?

My DMs are filled with teenagers! Mainly doing jokes and sending me silly chat-up lines. There are never any serious enquiries. I don’t want to meet someone through DMs or an app. I’d want to meet them in person.

Tell us about being involved with the Love At First Bite campaign with Peperami Chicken Bites. Did you have fun on the date?

I had so much fun at the Peperami Love At First Bite campaign shoot day. It was great to meet everyone involved and I felt incredibly spoiled having those meals prepared for me. I had to try some meals which had been cooked by three different guys using Peperami Chicken Bites and then choose a date by the food alone. It was difficult because you don’t know what a person looks like behind their food or their personalit­y. I’m not the biggest cook but I’m a foodie so it’s nice if someone else wants to do it.

Or I would prefer to cook with someone rather than cook for them.

What do you look for in a man?

I don’t have a type. I go for vibes. They can look like anything or act like anything but there is a spark you get with somebody and I look for that spark.

Kirsty Hatcher

Maya has been challenged by Peperami Chicken Bites to find love at first bite, taking part in a unique dating experience that matches the star with singletons, based on food preference alone. To watch, visit @peperamitv on Instagram

 ??  ?? Maya and rapper Stormzy split last year after a four-year romance
Maya and rapper Stormzy split last year after a four-year romance
 ??  ?? Maya and Peter Crouch gave us a lift on BBC One’s Save Our Summer
Maya and Peter Crouch gave us a lift on BBC One’s Save Our Summer
 ??  ??
 ??  ?? Maya is happy with her figure
Maya is happy with her figure

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