Daily Star

Fury over jailed Rolf sick song

Perv’s sick insults

- By JERRY LAWTON, Chief Crime Correspond­ent jerry.lawton@dailystar.co.uk

LAWYERS say paedophile Rolf Harris must serve his full jail term after he wrote a sickening song branding his victims “festering money-grabbers”.

LAWYERS are demanding paedophile Rolf Harris serve his full jail sentence after he penned a sickening song behind bars.

The 85-year-old sicko wrote lyrics branding his victims “festering money grabbers” and “woodworms” who “climbed up out of the woodwork from 40 years ago” to demand compensati­on.

The song, which Harris, right, plans to release as a record when he is freed, also whines: “The climate’s great in Britain now for making loads of dough.

“You’ve festered down there long enough, time’s right to grab your chance.

“Clap eyes on a rich celebrity and make the b****** dance.”

Harris was jailed for five years and nine months last July after being convicted of 12 indecent assaults on four children as young as eight.

Legal experts fear he could be out as early as next year due to his age and health.

But solicitor Liz Dux, of Slater and Gordon, which represents his victims, said Harris should be kept behind bars because he has shown no remorse.

She added: “I strongly urge that he is denied the right to apply for parole.

“And if he is allowed to apply, I sincerely hope this letter is taken into account and he is made to serve his full sentence.

“Harris put these women through hell during the trial. He showed them nothing but contempt and arrogance. They’ll be distraught at this disgusting song.”

One of Harris’s victims said: “I am totally revolted by what he has written. His arrogance is beyond belief.

“I am devastated by reading this and it will set back my recovery at a time when I am trying to rebuild my shattered life.”

Harris enclosed the lyrics in a letter to an acquaintan­ce, and claimed that his life in Stafford prison was “no hardship”.

He added: “I’m in the art room as an assistant to the tutor and basically I am doing what I like. I’m well accepted and there are a load of people, many of whom are friends.”

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