Daily Star

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now Kate price wants to do a late show to show off her filthy sense of humour. What an embarrassm­ent for her kids. If she was that good a mother she wouldn’t be doing that, bet Peter cringes at the thought! Pauline brum if the drug-addicts in manchester want to kill themselves taking ‘spice’ i say leave them to it! they wont be missed! ex-d.c.i perrin, b.t.p, m/c I’m sure North Korean despot, Kim Jong-un would be proud to have United Airlines security staff on his payroll. Wasn’t passenger’s fault flight was overbooked. Den,Perth Yemen was once Aden. Britain was kicked out by them, at THEIR request. Our men DIED for them. Sorry, we were in your way, we’ll go away and leave you alone. Please stop killing our troops. Xxx Oh hello. Wot? You want us to help you wiv military support & MORE money? NONPLUSSED Everyone who believes Assad is guilty of chemical attack is brainwashe­d. The rebels are the ones using it since 2012. Hence why Assad was found not guilty. The US and GB are supplying the arms to rebels. Skinbad1 Russia and USA just want to test each others strength in a country where none of their citizens will be killed just like vietnam. If they had any feelings for innocents they would unite and destroy terrorists worldwide. big T An allegation repeated a l,000 times DOES NOT become a fact without evidence, Fallon! Johnson! Please take note, if you don’t, here is next week’s headline: ‘Bumbling Boris bulldozes Britain into battle’. (once again on flawed/contrived evidence). Bromull exactly 100yrs after ‘the battle of vimy ridge’, defining battle of WW1 – “never again! not in our lifetime!’’ – deja vu. britain must say, no, no, no!! trevull what good is a bunker in case of a nuclear war, you would have to be in it a thousand years before the earth was safe again. may as well stand outside. yorky PC Keith Palmers send off well deserved and fitting for a true hero. A man who died doing the job he loved. Marie Billingham Very tragic for PC Palmer but the funeral was a bit over the top, hundreds of soldiers have lost there lives and hardly mentioned on news. they all died serving their country. tubby leven of course 50 Europe MPS have stated that an independen­t Scotland would be welcome in the EU. they would like nothing better than to split Britain up. we are not liked by most EU countries. just look at the voting in the euro vision song contest. MONK H Schools asking parents for £20 a month to help. These Tories have got to go. Can’t wait for next election. ANNE FIELD A third of A&E doctors have left NHS in the last 5 years through this government. They’ve got to go at next election. BONEHEAD it’s scandalous that needy people are having their benefits cut while foreign aid is being increased, are we ever going to have a government that puts British people first? I’m sick of funding the rest of the world. rockystubb­s GlNNY P I read your texts and know you’re an animal lover, So why would you like Nigel Farage to be Prime Minister. A man who wants to bring fox hunting back. MARLENE NORTHANTS 50,000 cap a year on migrants. Thats 1 million in 20 years. This government has lost the plot. We’ve been sold down the Swanee by this government & Brexit. PIP corbyns plan for a £10 a hour min wage is a BRIBE to get people to vote for him. Im not FOOLED by it. Small firms wont be able to afford it. And a wage like that would mean having to pay more in tax. Anti-corbyn gorden ramsey is totally wrong – pineapple is perfect on a pizza. Robin goodfellow My girlfriend says I’m rubbish at fixing electrical appliances. She’s in for a shock. Jimmy Worsley Entering the surgery I said to the receptioni­st “I must see the doctor right away – I’m shrinking.” She said, “The earliest appointmen­t I can offer you is next Tuesday.” “But that’s 5 days away,” I wailed, “I could be 3’ 6” by then!” “I’m sorry,” she said, “but you’ll just have to be a little patient.” THE SURGERY REGULAR i said to my mate “did you back the grand national winner” he said “i spent two hours working the form out and picked one and put two pounds on it.” i said “did it win “he said “it fell at the first fence.” paul h bradford re Grand National: Ended up backing blaklion e-w (14/1) morning price. HONEST AL Momma towel Bradley Walsh is the best comedian and TV presenter on telly, comic timing is perfect and very funny in the chase... move over Ant and Dec. stig2 re John Sim returning as The Master in Dr Who. Will it be revealed he never actually regenerate­d into a woman after all but was using some device that made him APPEAR to others as a woman? It would explain both actors in the finale. John Saxon To ITV. Yes plz bring back The Nightly Show. And yes plz put it on after the News. But plz don’t let Dermot O’Leary present it. After all, Who wants to be talked into buying a used car while watching a TV prog? PHANTOM TEXTER ref Broadchurc­h, I think it’s Mark Latimer now. No other reason why the writer bodged his suicide. And in episode 5 when talking to the Priest about his grief over Danny he said “this has made me do things I’m not proud of...” The rapes all coincide after Danny’s death. Maybe the writer wants to bookend the whole series. At the start, Danny Latimer was killed & at the end his Dad is revealed as a seriel rapist. Jimmy Riddle Leo Leeds has told you. The same actress that played Denise in Corrie has just had a heart attack in Emmerdale. Punter TROUBLE getting hold of your Daily Star? Let us know where and when by text, using the details at the top of the page.

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remember I can folks throwing cream, chocs, sponge, me when cherries at was young. I Life was tough Yep! the gateau. in Cost 25p plus network rate. You will be charged even if your text is not published Text followed by a space, your comment and name...

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