Daily Star

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kim jong uns missile show of strength failed. How many of his military and scientists wil be executed for humiliatin­g him to the world? Let’s hope he has a few more failed launches. He will gradually bump of all his military strength when he throws a hissy fit. Lily the pink i think kim jong un and trump have a few characteri­stics in common with each other as they are, inexperien­ced, immature and power crazy, trying to score points, playing with innocent peoples lives like its their little toy. war,vet in the light of kim jong uns nuclear threat. I would invite your readers to watch the old film ON THE BEACH. starring gregory peck. The reality depicted in the film is frightenin­g but is a very realistic account of what the eventual outcome inevitably will be. Sending kim a copy of this film and the BBC or ITV showing it would be a good idea. WOODSTER Kim jong-un vows to hit bag of wind Trump? Is a sumo match? both like mr blobby! wowee well done to trump for finally starting to cross the line with IS, now leftys shouting the words inhumane, tell that to the thousands they’ve killed, TIMES UP. jn l/pool Why have armies of millions of soldiers. Next War will be push button. Pip the guy that made those comments about the people of Liverpool should be sacked. Liverpool took a police force on and won justice for their loved ones. that guy probably thinks he is intelligen­t and funny, no he is not he is a moron. Lee hambleton The way Dortmund fans acted in Germany by offering beds for away fans stuck from France, they should be given fair play award from uefa, absolute class. Jungle Jim ardrossan With this government’s constant persecutio­n of motorists, now it’s diesel cars in the firing line, increases in road tax, insurance costs rising etc, etc, I can see the re-emergence of the Motorbike and sidecar as family transport! Maybe not as comfy as a car but far better than public transport or shanks’ pony. They served the country well in the days before cheap cars. They could again. The Bulleteer for years we are told ignore mobile phones in cars, now the driving test requires you to listen and look at the satnav! Brilliant for insurance companies, why didn’t you see the pedestrian crossing, sorry was looking at me satnav. Moronic specimen who passed this idea. Watch the claims rocket and insurance premiums. awesome Why is Nasarat Hussain charged with rape & child abuse allowed to walk around wearing black mask. This country wants to get a grip. JASPER Those ‘indestruct­ible’ new 5ers have little in the way of endurance, some worn out already. MINTY May talks about we are coming together over easter and christian values, does that include her vile austerity! Stevie,m/well EDF hiking prices of electric for 2nd time this year. What’s the point of OFGEM. SCOUSE Meg: Labour when in power did not freeze energy bills but stood on that policy in 2015, so if it would lead to power cuts and gas rationing has not been tested. It seems stupid to promise that come what may bills cannot rise for a given period but the government should intervene if they think price rises now can be avoided without that result. But surely if we want to cut bills we need to increase supply so must override local objections to fracking for shale gas. Rupert Fast Nurses shouldn’t have even av 2 go on strike 4 a decent wage, the gov should be Ashamed of themselves! Alby Isnt it time the over stretched NHS started charging the parasites who expect to b tended after self inducing on drink and drugs. I’m sure they would b grateful of the money and perhaps the scourge of society would think twice about getting legless. WOODSTER Re the hotel owner who is barring people: I agree with barring beards and tattoos. We could extend this to pubs and restaurant­s, people have a right to enjoy a meal or a pint, without having to put up with this disgusting sight. CHARLTON GARRY 2 crosshill, meat is not uncooked but cooked succulentl­y rare. U r obviously 1 of the food philistine­s who prefer all the goodness & flavour nuked out of the meat. Bantaman If celebritie­s are so worried about snaps of them being leaked, Stop taking them. ROMA Northants jockeys used to use thin riding crops with noisy strap on tip – now seem to use inch thick leather covered stick to best the horse! See photos in Star Form. Steve, Gloucester Is BGT magician Niels Harder really Joe Pascale in disguise? Marcus Absent BGT Welcome back! How talented was the singer impression­ist jess Robinson! IMO the winner! Coronets lancs Dog yoga on BGT was so funny. The dog peeing in the shoes ha my jaws ached. Gud show. GINNY P BGT: we now have to suffer 13 weeks of walliams and co cavorting about instead of behaving like judges. mohammed Ismail Ladybridge A big thumbs-up to the BBC for their early afternoon quiz THE CODE. Matt Allwright and Lesley Brewis are such naturals. David, Rochdale NIGHTLY SHOW LAST WEEK, why Dermot when Bradley was best by far? L, Hodd Re TVs All Round To Mrs Brown’s. Yet another good show spoilt by having Zzzz Listers on. Alas it seems that’s what Saturday night TV is all about these days. PHANTOM TEXTER Wud u adam ‘n’ eve it Kelly Osbourne says everyones gay. Speak for urself hun. JESUS SAVES shona’s secret in corrie, i reckon she’s either clayton’s sister or even his mother. Remember he’s only about 16. Heather j TROUBLE getting hold of your Daily Star? Let us know where and when by text, using the details at the top of the page.

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