Daily Star

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WHEN I met my guy I couldn’t believe how keen he was.

He introduced me to his family and close friends within a couple of days and mentioned spending the rest of his life with me.

Now I can’t get him on the phone for love nor money. He’s gone completely cold.

One of his mates has said that I was too serious for him, but he was the one who wooed and seduced me!

I’m aware that his ex-girlfriend has still not given up on him, which scares me.

I know he will never go back to her, but I’m struggling to understand why he’s now rejecting me too.

We used to get on so well – we made each other smile and our sex life was fantastic.

Should I give up on him or keep the faith?

DARE I take revenge on my horrible sister?

Does my own flesh and blood deserve to suffer?

I’ve put up with her rubbish for as long as I can remember.

As a child she bullied me and reported me to our mum for the slightest thing.

As a teenager she was selfish and cruel. She often “borrowed” and then ruined everything from my make-up to my best clothes.

Now she’s an adult and an arch bitch. She is vain and ruthless. She would happily stab anyone in the back and we just don’t get on.


I’m convinced she is sleeping with my on/off man and I don’t think I can hold back any longer.

He and I are apart at the moment, but friends tell me he has been going to a hotel with her for secret sex sessions.

She is boasting about having the best sex of her life. Apparently there are some sordid pictures of them doing the rounds.

In the past I’ve always walked away from fights; I’ve tried to be the bigger, more mature, person and turned the other cheek.

But I don’t know if I can do it again. I’m thinking it’s time for revenge…perhaps I need to give her a taste of her own medicine?

I’ll admit that our lives are complicate­d.

My on/off guy is someone I’ve been seeing for years. We’re not together all the time, but he’s still my man. Her fella is rich and arrogant. He buys her anything she wants just to keep her quiet.

But I know for a fact that he also cheats on her with other girls and uses sex workers too. Maybe I should give her a taste of her own medicine by bedding him myself ? After all, he’s always flirting with me, the old sleazeball.

I’ve tried my whole life to ignore my selfish sister, but it hasn’t got me anywhere. What do you think?

JANE SAYS: Give this guy all the space he so obviously craves and keep walking.

I suspect there is an awful lot more to him and his relationsh­ip with his ex than he’s ever let on.

If things are so complicate­d between them, then there is no room for you.

It’s upsetting that everything started out so well, but you can’t waste any more time hanging around for a guy who isn’t even polite enough to return your calls or tell you where you stand.

Get on with your own life. If you and he were meant to be together, it would have happened.

As it is, you’ve been left high and dry, so just chalk it up to experience and learn. JANE SAYS:You have to retain the upper hand by not rising to your nasty sister’s bait.

Carry on turning the other cheek, because it’s just not worth getting into a catfight with her. The fact is you and she have never got on. You’ve always rubbed each other up the wrong way and fought.

Serving up a cold dish of revenge may seem like a smart idea, but do you really want to have sex with her revolting partner?

Why go to those lengths – especially when you know where he has been and what his (grubby) habits are?

The fact is it takes two to tango and if your sister is messing with your on/off man, then you should be tackling him instead.

How come your sister feels the full force of your venom and you say nothing about him? Do yourself a massive favour – say your bit and then walk away from both of them.

Let it be known that you are no longer bothered with their pathetic lies and games.

Make it obvious that you consider each of them to be as childish and untrustwor­thy as the other.

I suspect that all your sister has ever wanted is to get a reaction out of you.

Don’t give her that satisfacti­on and don’t allow her to annoy you or drag you down either.

 ??  ?? FAMILY AFFAIR: She is boasting about having the ‘best sex of her life’ with sister’s ex-boyfriend
FAMILY AFFAIR: She is boasting about having the ‘best sex of her life’ with sister’s ex-boyfriend
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