Daily Star

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let’s hope the queen honours some of the heroes of manchester! doctors, nurses paramedics police, fire and the public instead of stupid sports and film nobodys! dann guildford surrey To Kelly, The PM will never understand how important the Police and NHS is because unlike us mere mortals she will never have the need to phone 999. LEO,LEEDS the ambulance service in our country and the way people pull together in times of devastatio­n and crisis are what makes england unique. Lee Hambleton Sheffield To all MP’s. In light of recent events, forget Foreign Aid, put all the money into our NHS! We need fully equipped hospitals, more nurses, better wages for them & Doctors. We are at war with terrorist cowards. Your Foreign Aid could be funding them! Wise up! Dave Goldsmith, Lothian F@!% Trident, waste of money. If any country wants to outbomb us, they will. Spend the money on people, not arms. Nurse give the homeless man who helped children in manchester blast a home and a job he deserves them. Pat Terrorists will NEVER BEAT The British public. We dont scare easy. PROUD BRIT What these Jihadists don’t realise is that inside every proud English person beats the heart of a Lion. They have stirred a Hornets nest. We stand together, in defiance of any threat. They will never win. The Muttsnuts Soldiers on the street guarding strategic sites ie Buck Palace, Parliament & Downing St – WHY ???? Its us Plebs who r being blown up they shud b looking afta us not May & her cronies. REBEL Really Glad Theresa May is taking these ATTACKS SERIOUSLY She is going to Put Extra Guards ON BUCKINGHAM PALACE Downing Street and other Government Buildings. It shows PM MAY is only looking after Her Self and Friends. Road Runner army on the streets to combat terrorists! Yes Downing Street and the road around Buckingqam Palace and Kenshngton Palace, are the royal guard off on holiday then? sod the royals and mps what about joe public? pete when we visited the arena at a Mrs Browns boys gig, why was I not searched when entering the foyer from the train station? The valiant it’s nigh on impossible to stop a maniac anywhere doing something like this atrocity but if he was known to security forces why wasn’t he banged up before then this wouldn’t have happened. mick the punk, hoyland please all doormen on clubs and pubs check any bags and backpacks for anything suspicous. OAP Bpool We are allowing sick Muslim clerics to spout their misguided Neandertha­l views under the guise of free speech. Hate crime is hate crime regardless of the religion. Paul donny ref Eddie Doncaster, tags can be removed by amputation & cripples can still be suicide bombers. However, microchip everyone in the back of the head or skull so we know exactly where they are. We microchip dogs after all. Boaby Barnes Theresa May claims the Tories don’t negotiate with terrorists? Through the Saudi royal house May’s government fund, arm and train them though. Seabird we wouldn’t have terror on our streets if blair backed by his new labour goverment and the tories didn’t follow bush into iraq to topple saddam who kept his people under control, once we got rid of him, terrorists sprung up everywhere, corbyn was a wise man not to back blair and his warmongers. kimberly if Jeremy Corbyn does not speak out against terrorism then no one should ever vote Labour! Wee Ralph 4 get the IRA. The troubles were over long ago. Shall we ask Corbyn to condemn Napolean next? There’s something called IS 4 the media to worry about at the moment, not some defunct organisati­on. Kieran, Belfast The 10 commandnen­ts, including extendende­dly in the Koran include don’t kill innocents. Do 8 yr old children count? Peace not war. #Pxwar Where was God at the Manchester Arena, 10.30 Mon night? ‘Anybody’s’ Bloody God??? Tonto i keep hearing the suicide bomber wil rot in hell. I wish! its the 21st Century people! Man created god through blind ignorance! johnnyv Brexit is history That’s a dead duck. We’ll never get what we voted for. The only party concentrat­ing on the people that live HERE, is Labour. His manifesto which is miles better than the others. True Labour Election vote hunters will be back on the case now and i just hope people listen to the real issues not just the party nonsense. brian, midlands missed the I yesterday bus gave so today I hug. it a big So colin firth off to italy cos of brexit, good riddance. Take rest of your whinging luvvies with you. mike63, swindon so colin firth is of 2 live in italy, good and take that emma thompson with u. Crap actors! Seasickdin­ks Colin Firth You was not complainin­g when you were making money in Britain when acting (Is that what You call it) The British People voted to come out of EU. If you don’t like it Sod off to Italy and get a job Crushing GRAPES. Road Runner R I P the best bond ever. sir roger moore, nobody done it better than you. pete bond fan Dear sir Roger Moore. Bril James Bond. “Nobody could’ve done it better”. I who loved the spy. Rip Roger dear x. Lotus Lil what a state bodybuilde­r ray houghton has got into covered in tattoes, he says older women love them well i dont. anon No Queen without Freddie Mercury and John Deacon. Stuff Lambert’s 2017 tour with half a Queen band. Bicycle race, Hartlepool i met this guy called glen millar who was looking for his cat that had eaten his lads train set, after finding his cat, i asked “pardon me sir, is this the cat that ate your choo choo?” Delboy Langlees Falkirk TROUBLE getting hold of your Daily Star? 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