Daily Star

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Public Enquiry into Grenfell: let’s hope it’s effective in pointing out who should be accountabl­e for the use of cheaper materials used and also lack of concern about sprinklers and other safety measures. Farouk Crosshill Hillsborou­gh should act as a warning for Grenfell tower residents. You’ll have to also take on people like kelvin mackenzie and boris johnson, who dismissed the families as whingers. The authoritie­s are already banning press from meetings. JFT96 scum bags who run Kensington and Chelsea council, it’s about time you man up and resign, You let your tenants down miserably. McCall Is good criminal charges at last over Hillsborou­gh but don’t understand why it took 28 years. me When mountains rose up and touched the sky, whispered sweetly our love for you will never die, in our hearts the winds of peace will forever blow, and in the heavens above your guiding light we will follow. Red Lyric Now is the time to remind everyone who thinks Boris Johnson is a loveable buffoon how nasty he really is. Rather than listening to Hillsborog­h survivors he said the people of Liverpool “wallowed in self pity” and couldn’t even be bothered to check the death toll – “more than 50” he wrote – and linked it to the shock in the city over the terrorist murder of Mr Ken Bigley. He then claimed “The police became a convenient scapegoat, and the Sun newspaper a whipping-boy for daring to hint at the wider causes of the incident”. Justice Mrs May, I support Labour because you and your Tories are suffocatin­g the weak, sick, poor and elderly with your merciless austerity, but, if you send me £1billion I (and 9 friends) will back you with whatever crap you want to hurt us with next. Money talks! pall – Hull Where’s all the money coming from that the government is giving away. They can find it when they want to. SCOUSE Is it legal to use Public Funds for bribery purposes? BoltonFaz went to pip tribunal and lost appeal, that’ll be me not going out then. Tories would rather give a billion to DUP. thanks if mps and lords lived on the minimum wage for a month they would find out how hard it is for people to survive. anna If tory mps and rich think austerity is so great why don’t they live on public sector wages? Stevie, m/well food, utilities, fuel all going up yet im on the same salary as i was 20 yr ago, int it funny that. Nogger What’s all this fuss about MPs wearing a tie in the commons? BEDFORD BOY mps and lords spend more on drink in a week than people get on the minimum wage. kerry The working class asset stripped of anything of value, forced to work longer for less pay and less pension no NHS or social care, the old, sick and disabled treated with utter contempt, pay rises and tax cuts for the rich. What a future for our children to inherit a world devoid of altruism. Red fred To Marthur, Labour was not responsibl­e for the worldwide crash. Bankers in the US started it with morgage defaults. The Tories supported Labour’s regulation of the banks until the crash then they exploited it for their own political gain. Positive T Forget Brexit. The country will go bankrupt sooner or later. Bankrupt by Labour or bankrupt by the Tories, the choice is yours. jedda st Helens Yes 26 billion to leave EU after helping to prop it up for years is disgusting. But remember we give them 10 billion every year. Once free we’ll be quids in. Dave Abacus You would think all the money given to education over recent years would have gone straight to the education of children but no the teachers took their cut first leaving little for kids saying they need the money to! so much for interest in education for children. blue re Kerry so all disasters over 40 years are to be blamed on tories? I think you’ll find the disaster of the WMD’s lies and iraq war were under Tony Blair. Labour I believe. stig2 Thank you kerry for educating me ur text every disaster that’s happened over the last 40years there was a Tory government in power and in my opinion the biggest one was going into Iraq by Tony Blair. Blakey Pompey how dare the courts decide if some innocent baby or person should live or die. I refer to the Charlie gard case. Surely he should be given every chance of life, no mater how small, and if American doctors can do this then only God and fate should decide the outcome. Pete westmidlan­ds, parent local police OUR it’s station had ladders pinched Police recently, a said: “If the statement aren’t found, culprits will be further steps taken.” why would they ask scarlett moffatt 2 host i’m a celeb wth dec, big mistake, they should ask stephen mulhern, it would b so much better. She was axed frm ch4s host the week, why do they think she going 2 b good on i’m a celeb, what a nitemare, cant think of anything worse. queen b thanks Daily Star for writing about UK wrestler josh bodom. And Sky start showing our great UK wrestlers josh bodom and zack sabre jnr instead of WWE please! JIM Brooklyn Beckham, is he looking 4 a remake of Edward Scissor Hands dead ringer! Mind u looks like a gud kip and a hose down wud do him no harm! Stevie bon Bevie re Dave pochart: Barry Gibb is not a cad he actually wrote Diana Ross’s Chain Reaction for her as well as Woman in Love for Barbra Streisand. Barry is a true legend a gentleman and his brothers are very sadly missed that made the incredible BeeGees unique. KEN ref jimmy worsley what a muppett you really are, how old are you 5 for comments on barry gibb? LEARN SON LEARN. dave brum there she goes again sticking her oar in, that little gargoyle Lilly Allen, all of a sudden she’s the spokesman for grenfell victims. What a has been that never was. the Salford rocket TROUBLE getting hold of your Daily Star? Let us know where and when by text, using the details at the top of the page.

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