Daily Star

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is there not enough people sleeping on the streets without councils raising council tax by six percent. jo anybody else think it’s a mickey take that councils now want us to pay another charge for green waste bin collection­s. We already pay for this with the ever increasing council tax which, if they haven’t lost it all in some Icelandic bank, should cover it. Challenger Council tax going up again. Drive by our council offices and they have windows open THIS time of year! Turn the heating down! And they have a fountain in their courtyard that runs 24/7. Spend it on our roads! Mooseman council tax up 6% is a disgrace but don’t forget the tories have slashed grants to local authoritie­s. biz Jeremy Paxman’s rant to stop over 65s from voting and calling them spoilt and blaming them for the housing crisis proves he like many of his privileged class are a bunch of ill informed jumped up idiotic self opinionate­d well offs. Blueleader £15,000 dinner for tories – they have no idea how we live. I once survived on spaghetti with gravy for every meal as it cost about 12p. Cookie I think it is time for a revolution. I do not know of any MP who truly represents anybody but themselves. From fiddling expenses, to surreptiti­ously employing family members as secretarie­s, assistants and paid researcher­s, to being paid directors of numerous companies looking for some kind of legitimacy. We need normal people to represent normal people, not the rich representi­ng the rich and lining their own pockets along the way. We need a peoples party. Rise up and oust these theiving, upperclass buffoons. Mally Scarboroug­h Parliament behaviour under scrutiny? These people run our country, or are supposed to! Why are there bars in parliament? Surely they are there to work! They could call in their local like the rest of us when they finish work, should be closed in parliament! MM it’s a real kick in the teeth for hard working tax paying people in this country having to read what that lazy pampered so called prince is up to next. The realist the country is marching 2 the tune of the Lefties Luvies, they have took over the debate at the Media, schools and collages brainwashi­ng the snowflakes 2 hate the Tories and Trump. Even the Tories and Farage have turned lefties. Jacob Rees Mog is the only one who can save us from this Leftie Hell. Tush Leicester with all the police stations closing it would be great to open them up for the homeless. cider man Yet again that vile little creature John Venables has been jailed for Category A child porn! When a young lad can do what they did to that poor little boy James Bulger and yet again be sentenced for a crime that includes children then I am afraid but the only rehabilita­tion required should include a nice rope around the neck. It’s about time Capital Punishment was brought back. With DNA testing so advanced now that they are catching people with crimes from 30 years ago, I really believe it’s time to dust off the rope. Chris@ Newbridge It’s a dream of Tory government to break NHS. Why, because they all have shares in private medical care firms, and want to boost share holders payouts. Stockton jeff can anybody tell me who produced the latest on the economy after brexit so I can get in touch to find out which horses are going to win all the major races. alan in teesdale George Soros give your spare cash to cancer research not remoaners. stew,yks Govt frighten us with doom and gloom Brexit forecast, and Bank of England say growth is uprated and interest rates will go up to curb inflation and calm spending. Who do we trust? M&M I’ve just been for a colour blindness test – no problem! So, I checked the colour of humans against a Dulux Chart, people labelled ‘white’ are any hue but, so called Red Indians are not! Chinese are not yellow and Cheddar man is BROWN! It’s a ‘pigment of my imaginatio­n! Bromull has “cheddar man” been offered a council house yet, i mean, for an immigrant, 10,000 yrs on the waiting list is stretching it a bit! Anyone for a cheese sarnie? Crusader Midwife for sale. £500. Can deliver. Will.I.Amnott. AYR I said to the missus do you fancy coming fishing. She replied I’ll just get me fishnets out. Who said fishing was boring? AL when a man has a birthday he takes a day off. When a woman has a birthday she takes 5yrs off. Hubby Am I the oldest texter in the Daily Star? Veronica 89 i liked muggy mike on love island but now on celebs go dating he seems like a different person. He comes across as arrogant + self obsessed. And don’t get me started on his accent – he sounds like joey essex! Heather j when is someone going 2 revive the pink floyd show 1970 when they brewed up and fried egg and bacon on stage for around 15mins playing “alan’s psychedeli­c breakfast”! Uncle rastus So now we have an acid attack on Emmerdale. Our soaps are supposed to be about light entertainm­ent fictional storylines and characters. NOT factual. Or do modern day scriptwrit­ers lack imaginatio­n and simply rely on the media for storylines? LEO F kim wilde rekons a UFO landed in her garden an aliens are out to abduct her. May I suggest u add more tonic water to it love. Momma Towel It’s time Brendan Cole accepted the fact that he was axed from Strictly and moved on. PHANTOM TEXTER how can that Kate price claim to want to put a bill up for bullying? When she clearly shows audiences videos of Alex Reid in compromisi­ng edits surely she needs prosecutin­g what a false women! Keep off ours screens please. Lorypaul TROUBLE getting hold of your Daily Star? Let us know where and when by text, using the details at the top of the page.

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