Daily Star

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Well run Roger you brought lots of smiles doing your miles. what you did made everyone want to run the world and most of them did. my condolence­s to family and friends. rip geordie ray Roger Bannister stood for loads of good old British values like grit, determinat­ion, and giving everything you’ve got. His four-minute mile was a great human achievemen­t and he should never be forgotten. Road runner, Lancs V sad to hear of the passing of the great roger bannister. He’s up there with the likes of Churchill and stood for an era when sport was all about human effort not cheating to gain an advantage. Brain the snail, Derbys Well done Gary Oldman for finally getting the Oscar he so richly deserves for Darkest Hour. Fitting that he won it playing Britain’s greatest leader Winnie. Bri, Leeds Well deserved Oscar for Gary Oldman, top actor. Also well done to ex Hollyoaks stars Rachael Shenton and Chris Overton. JAMES Our politician­s negotiatin­g Brexit should watch a program on yesterday called the day when i am sure they could pick up a few tips from Winston on how to deal with their EU gangster friends. one question i would love to ask them is would they have sunk the French Navy to save Britain? se9 STEVE A trade war between Europe (including the UK) and the USA now seems inevitable. So much for all the wonderful deals Theresa May boasted post Brexit Britain was going to forge with America and its brain dead President. Seabird Young Labour activist Omar Raji says: “There is a need for a democratic transforma­tion of the party”. We know how your democracy works, like Corbyn and Brexit. MR NICE GUY What’s the problem with Brexit,we are either IN or OUT we voted OUT. Stop backing yourself into a corner Mrs May just LEAVE. JASPER T MAY our PM has grit and proved that she wants 2 get on with it. So Blair, Major and all remainiacs, stop ur bluddy nonsense and let her do wot the voters want. OUT and fast. Gritta We can still trade with 27 countries in EU after we leave. It’s Juncker, Barnier, Verhofstad­t, Blair, Clegg, Clarke & Corbyn that’s the problem. Walk away now May. ANNE FIELD Paul weller discs going 2 the tip 2moro 4 supporting comrade corbyn! Bragg and garveys went months ago!! Cuthbert It is disgusting this Tory government are going to force councils to build new houses, public pay your wages & greed mps, so should have right to refuse new houses being built near them. Anon Rapist Worboys to get 24hr guard costing £330,000 a year. It could only happen in this crazy country. SCOUSE If l get caught speeding, I’ll expect the same punishment as Capt James Golding. The law is a joke. EBG i’ve worked 12hrs in a factory but a guy called paul wants all my pay 4a couple of hrs of song! Emily Will michael caine’s new film My Generation be shown on TV, or on a DVD. As I cannot make the march 4 screening at the cinema. MARTHUR To Siberia. that gift u sent to the uk of snow. cld u take it back an send it to a country that can deal with it. we’re not thrilled, but chilled. we need spring in the air, not snow in our hair! Swamp Duck All these people moaning about a little bit of snow, this would’ve meant nothing in the 1960’s. CHARLTON GARRY. So scientists have taken DNA from a toenail of a 700 year old bird and reckon they can use it to bring it back from the dead. Let’s hope they never flipping do it to tv reality show fans. LEO F °ÊI’m

not a lover of football but when my hubby watches it on telly & I see what goes on, it’s time they got rid of all referees & got new ones. Football fan’s wife To Vic-Cov your text regarding winning £20,000. Don’t know anyone winning that amount but my mate won £5000 on a scratch card just before Christmas. Lucky!! FLOYD It’s three years since I joined Alcoholics Anonymous. I still drink but under a different name! Funky LevenÊ Big shame to see Elaine Lordon in such a way. Get help! PUBLUNCH I don’t know why people moan about the shops selling Easter stuff early, I’ve just been to Tesco they’re selling birthday cakes and mine isn’t till July! grannie fossie Methilhill I asked the waitress if I could ask something about the menu please? She slapped my face & said ‘The men I please is none of your business.’ Martin Hill Tony the window cleaner, Worksop

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