Daily Star

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MY sister keeps on begging me for money. She wants £250 but still owes me £750 from previous loans.

She claims she has no money to buy stuff for her girls who now live with her former partner and his lover.

My sister sees them once a week and bleats that she needs cash for the treats they expect on a Saturday afternoon.

I feel she is putting me in an impossible situation as she knows I would never want her daughters to go without.

She has always led a chaotic life and often struggles to look after herself.

Our parents washed their hands of her years ago after she broke in and stole my mum’s television and jewellery.

I can afford to sub her, but why should I? How are her kids my problem?

JANE SAYS: Does charity begin at home? If you have money and can afford to sub your sister in order for your nieces to have some quality time with her, then is that your role?

You must do whatever you feel is right. If you resent your troubled sister constantly asking you for money, then shut her down by telling her “no more”.

However, if you think your cash can do some good and that your nieces deserve a break, then forget the £750 and come to an arrangemen­t with your sister.

We all have to muddle along the best we can, but you must remember your nieces won’t be young forever.

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