Daily Star


- ® by MARC WALKER news@dailystar.co.uk

BRITAIN is facing the death of the lunchtime pint with most people snubbing boozy breaks.

Popping to the pub is now a no-no for seven in 10 staff with 23% saying their boss would not stand for it.

It is also last orders for beer and winesoaked work lunches signed off on expenses, research findings suggest.

Modern business deals are more likely to be clinched over fizzy water and salads, according to a survey by Deliveroo.

Almost half of those quizzed

(46%) claimed they stick to soft drinks at lunch meetings as alcohol is “just too unhealthy”.

But more than 50% moaned they go out for “far fewer” work lunches than a decade ago.

These days British staff enjoy an average of three working lunches every six months, compared with as many as five 10 years ago. A total of 44% admitted getting “tipsy” during the days of regular pub jaunts in working hours.

Most missed “harmless” flirting with colleagues and scoffing food without worrying about eating too many carbs. The average business lunch now lasts less than one hour, while 10 years ago it would go on for at least two hours or more, the researcher­s found.

But those surveyed said they missed face-to-face meetings – and gossiping about work colleagues – while wining and dining their clients.

A total of 45% of workers said they would struggle to do any work in the afternoon if they went for lunchtime beers. NO-GO: Boozy lunch

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