Daily Star


- MIKE WARD Follow Mike on Twitter @mikewardon­tv

THIS week’s episode of THE APPRENTICE (9pm, BBC1) is all about doughnuts. Much like all the other episodes, you might argue. But in this case I mean the product they’re being asked to flog.

“The UK bakery sector is worth a lot of dough,” Lord Sugar tells the candidates.

“And it’s a market that’s open to new trends. One of the new trends is fashionabl­e doughnuts.

I want you to take a bite out of that market.”

At which point, one candidate shouts: “For God’s sake, pal, can you give the bleeding puns a rest, just for five minutes?” Only kidding. Before embarking on the challenge, the teams get mixed up for the first time this series, meaning each must now pick itself a name.

As ever, this name must be pompous, self-important and 100 per cent irony-free. So neither team is allowed to be amusingly random, by calling itself, say, Teapot or Ipswich Town FC.

Having settled for Collaborat­ive (yawn) and Typhoon (double yawn), they then discuss what doughnut types to make.

Typhoon go for sweet ones, Collaborat­ive savoury. But how about names for their wares, such as the ultra-hot chilli and chocolate one. “What about Fire In The Hole?” suggests Rick. ELSEWHERE, in HOW TO GET A GOOD NIGHT’S SLEEP (9pm, Channel 5), Eamonn Holmes and wife Ruth Langsford are both seeking a solution to an exhausting problem. In Eamonn’s case it’s a lack of sleep, in Ruth’s it’s the fact that she snores.

I’d suggest that solving the second of those problems would go a long way towards solving the first, but I’d rather not get involved in a domestic.

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