Daily Star

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Absolute and total respect to the bravest of the brave who were slaughtere­d needlessly 100 yrs ago. Lest we forget. But let’s not forget that the warmongers are still around us and they would do the same again if they don’t get their way. Kk


1914-18: Closely followed German ‘Third Reich’. 1939-45: Closely followed by British occupation­s/invasions

1945 onwards of Iraq, Israel, Suez, Cyprus, Borneo, Vietnam, Aden, Afghanista­n, Iraq 2, Libya, + the covert ones, phew! Lest i remember more.



The war to end all wars? All mankind has done in the last 100 years is to knock 7 bells out of each other! Steve Rhyl


The true meaning of ‘peace’ is the protection of every adult and child on earth. Jpc Oldham


Re poppy sellers getting abuse, it’s so sad that these ignorant fools haven’t worked out that without the heroes of two world wars they could not have the freedom to behave as they do today! Liz n Ollie x


To honour our war dead the answer to the poppy dispute is simple. Poppy sellers could sell both red + white poppies allowing the buyer to make a choice. I personally wear a red diamanti one + a white paper one. R A F daughter


Who the hell does Aaron Bastani think he is? 1000s of people died, some not even old enough to drink but they were old enough to get killed, and that includes the Germans. r.r


Dear Mr Bastani my Grandfathe­r was in the Merchant navy during the

2nd world war. He mostly delivered much needed food supplies to this Island. When the war was over he never blamed the German people just the German leadership. He trod water when sunk by u boats and was minutes from death when a British frigate picked him up. Please take a plane, train or boat away from this island if you think poppy day and the British Legion are racist. British Lionman!


This bloke Bastani needs a zip where his mouth is. The poppy is a symbol of the millions who fell in WW

1+2, these men and women should always be honoured and respected.

Rich N Yorks


To Aaron Bastani: It’s *because* all those men made the ultimate sacrifice, that you have the freedom to express your moronic views in public – you pathetic, revolting apology for a human being! Neil, Derby °

Aaron Bastani the Labour leftie tops the lot. How can rememberin­g the fallen of WW1 be racist? HE’S the racist. Sgt B. Waire


Oh shut up aaron bastani u big girls blouse. No-one, is interested in your far left bilge. Another rebel without a clue. Tut tut. bolton bird


What a hateful man Aaron Bastani is. his poisonous views towards the veterans who lost their lives and those who live with terrible disabiliti­es and mental torment is vile. Claire Vision


Aaron Bastani: this plank needs educating but for the people who gave there lives he would not get away with saying anything before being picked up and jailed, his name is really british, bloody moron. Stockton jeff


I disagree strongly with dave goldsmith over national service. Already men and women in our armed forces are regularly being forced into redundancy and he wants to replace them with yobs and criminals. tubs


Dave Goldsmith: Give me one good reason why my grandson, Ben, should be called up for National Service to serve with the scum who carry and use knives. He’s never been in trouble and is a very hard working young gentleman. Ash, Brentford


Dave: you say we need soldiers as we don’t have enough but then say the new recruits wouldn’t last 5 minutes! Knife crime appears to be rampant at the moment but involves a tiny minority of the population...please don’t lump the majority group of law abiding young ’uns with the scum who trawl our streets. gts


Why, when we have crimes like the attack on the 98 year old do people cry out for the return of National Service, why should they join the heroes? Name, shame, jail is much more fitting. Ray, Keighley


Have a foreign legion style model in the highlands, and the army make young criminals do hellish tasks.



Khan wants 10 years for his knife problem, too soft. Caught with knife 5 years in jail – do it for a year if no improvemen­t increase it to 10 years. Killing with knife 15 years. Bob fife


Give knife offenders a year or 2 hard graft daily as a labourer. Will save on wages and stop them doing it again. WURZEL


I used to love Gary Lineker’s cheese and onion crisps but the flavor has gone. They should just call them “The Crisps In The Blue Bag.” MUNCHER bob

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