Daily Star


£150k pledge row

- ® by JERRY LAWTON jerry.lawton@ dailystar.co.uk

COMIC David Baddiel has told Madeleine McCann Twitter trolls: “Shut the f*** up.”

He lashed out at critics calling for the £11.75million search for the missing girl to be shut down.

Three Lions singer David waded into a spat sparked by our revelation that the Home Office had promised another £150,000 for the inquiry into her 2007 disappeara­nce.

The cash will allow the Met Police probe Operation Grange to continue at least until April.

Detectives said this week they are chasing a vital “final line of inquiry”.

But the decision to award the money – in the form of a special grant – triggered anger on social media.

David, 54, spotted the row and posted on Twitter: “Oh dear. Madeleine McCann trending. That’s twitterspe­ak for ‘And now, the absolute worst of humanity.’”


One follower replied: “To be fair most people are just annoyed that whilst hundreds of kids are missing with zero funding this one tragic case is still getting money thrown at it for what would appear to be b ***** all.”

But Baddiel replied: “Most people don’t know what it’s like to lose a child and should shut the f*** up.”

When another follower asked him why, he said: “Because if you click on it you will see just reams of intense hatred and conspiracy theory f***wittage.”

Many were upset at his comments. One messaged: “I have an opinion, but I object to being labelled as the worst of humanity because I don’t agree with you.

“If all missing children were being given equal MISSING: Madeleine dedication and funding then no-one could object.” Madeleine vanished from her parents’ Portuguese holiday apartment while they dined with pals in a nearby tapas restaurant in 2007. She disappeare­d days before her fourth birthday. Clarence Mitchell – spokesman for Madeleine’s parents Kate and Gerry – said: “They are very encouraged the Met Police still believe there is work left to be done in the search for their daughter.”

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