Daily Star

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James says: “First think about what you really want. It may be that, with a few simple changes, your existing job could actually turn out to be your dream job.

“Put yourself forward for new challenges and opportunit­ies. But whatever you do, don’t just sit still and stagnate!

“If you do decide that it’s time to try something new, here are my top tips for helping you secure your dream job in 2019...”

1. ENHANCE your LinkedIn profile. In today’s digital era, I cannot emphasise enough how important it is to have a strong online brand.

2. UPDATE your CV. Make sure it stands out by highlighti­ng achievemen­ts and using the right keywords to get past those pesky Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS).

3. MANAGE your entire online brand. LinkedIn is the priority but you need to make sure that all your other social media profiles are suitable for potential recruiters to view!

4. BE proactive. Your dream job will not come and find you – you have to get out there and chase it.

5. DON’T let rejection get you down. With so many people applying for jobs in the New Year, the odd rejection is almost inevitable. But do not get despondent. Just keep on sending those applicatio­ns out.

6. DO your homework. Once you land that all-important interview, make sure you are well prepared. Get informatio­n on the company you are applying for and prepare answers to possible questions.

7. FINDING a new job is not easy at any time of the year. January is no different. It can be time-consuming and, at times, demoralisi­ng so you need to be patient and persistent.

8. BE realistic and set achievable goals. It’s a new year so set a time line and monitor it throughout




Page 22

 ??  ?? THESE red squirrels have found a fun way to make dinner time a bit fruitier.The creatures were spotted going nuts over watermelon­s that had faces carved into them. Photograph­er Geert Weggen, 49, lures them to his garden in Bispgården, Sweden, 300 miles north-west of Stockholm.The pair hopped in and out of the fruit to find food and one even took a closer look by jamming his head inside.
THESE red squirrels have found a fun way to make dinner time a bit fruitier.The creatures were spotted going nuts over watermelon­s that had faces carved into them. Photograph­er Geert Weggen, 49, lures them to his garden in Bispgården, Sweden, 300 miles north-west of Stockholm.The pair hopped in and out of the fruit to find food and one even took a closer look by jamming his head inside.
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