Daily Star

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MAY as well ask the obvious question first.

Has Chris Tarrant been watching Who Wants To Be A Millionair­e?

You know, the hit quiz he hosted for 15 years – but for whose revival he was snubbed in favour of Jeremy Clarkson?

Nope, apparently not. Seems he didn’t even tune in out of curiosity last summer when Clarkson first parked himself in Chris’s old seat.

“I was in France, fishing,” Chris assures me. “And no, not to get away from it, that’s just where I happened to be.”

So no hard feelings, then? “No, good luck to them, Mike. I genuinely couldn’t care less. I wouldn’t have wanted to do it again.

“They had to get someone very different from me, so Clarkson’s probably not a bad shout.


“But what they’ll never have is the great buzz we had, particular­ly in our first year. That was an amazing time.”

Whether Chris is rather more miffed about all this than he’s making out, it’s not for me to say. But I do believe him when he says that, at 72, he welcomes his lighter workload (“I used to work like a dog…”) because the plain fact is he’s lucky to be alive.

It’s now four-and-a-half years since he suffered a stroke on a flight home from Burma, where he’d been filming for his Channel 5 series Extreme Railways. And still not a day goes by when he doesn’t reflect on how fortunate he was to pull through.

“It was absolutely bloody terrifying,” he recalls. “We were 39,000 feet up and I thought, ‘I’m actually going to die up here.’”

Months of recovery included learning how to walk and talk again. “Basically you have to re-educate your whole body. But slowly mine started working again. I’ve been incredibly lucky.” So lucky, in fact, that when he eventually resumed filming Extreme Railways, series five of which kicks off tonight, he looked pretty much his old self.

Chris begins this latest run in the Alps, where any fears he may have lost his bottle are soon dispelled. In one scene, in Switzerlan­d, he’s perched on an icy ledge, barely wider than a kitchen table, thousands of feet up the Eiger.

“The view was awesome, Mike,” he tells me, “I was s**tting myself, but it was worth it.”

By Chris’s calculatio­ns, Extreme Railways has taken him the equivalent of seven times around the world. It’s also brought some unforgetta­ble experience­s, albeit not always in a good way.

“The Congo was a classic. It was the first we ever filmed, and the train came five days late! Then it broke down in a tunnel and all the lights went out.”

This new run also takes him through Spain, Ukraine (a particular eye-opener, that) and Vietnam. Which I guess puts him up there with that Portillo bloke when it comes to making train-based travelogue­s.

“Actually, I often bump into Michael at various social things, and he’s always, like, ‘I saw your railway thing the other day, Chris, it looked bloody horrible, I wouldn’t have wanted to be there.’ And I think, ‘Well, no, you wouldn’t, Michael.’

“He always looks like he’s come out of the finest hotel, all combed and clean in his smart blazer. Me, I look like I’ve crawled out of a hedge.”

Chris admits he may eventually run out of foreign railways he fancies exploring. If so, there’s plenty he still has to say about our own.

“Our train service is dreadful,” he declares, with little prompting.

“If you go to, say, Alaska they’ve got bears on the line, giant fir trees falling down, massive avalanches, huge boulders. But our own network stops because of a few bloody leaves. Honestly, our transport system is a disgrace.”

Hmm, OK, maybe filming a UK rail show might not do Chris’s blood pressure any favours.

So what next for him, I wonder?

I jokingly suggest reviving Tiswas, the anarchic Saturday morning kids’ show he fronted on ITV in the 70s and 80s.

Chris chuckles. “Imagine trying to do that now, with the whole health and safety thing.

“You wouldn’t be allowed to throw custard, or chuck buckets of water over adults and children.

“But yes, it was very influentia­l. Noel Edmonds was over on BBC One on Saturday mornings being the squeaky clean one, then he moved to Saturday evenings and suddenly got gunge tanks.

“I thought, ‘Come on, Noel, do something a bit more original, mate.’

“Of course, he ended up in Australia, eating sheep’s testicles with Harry Redknapp. Serves him right!”

Chris Tarrant’s Extreme Railway Journeys starts tonight at 9pm on Channel 5.

 ??  ?? ON THE UP: Chris Tarrant considers himself very lucky
ON THE UP: Chris Tarrant considers himself very lucky

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