Daily Star

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council tax up £100. Doesn’t this country get fed up taking money off people. About time people started protesting. MONKEYBOY


300k 4 maddie saga. 33million 4 eurotunnel. 39 Billion 4 brexit 2 leave. Plus 1.6billion 4 so called struggling towns. Pay rises of 2k. Where’s all this tax payers money coming from? Over 50yrs I’ve been voting never again. This country’s a laughing stock. Pensioner Brum


What a load of rubbish sings out as our MP’s give themselves yet another rise. With government failure with railways, power company rip-offs, Brexit and worst of all the continuing failure of law & order, echoed once again of the loss of young Jodie Chesney. They should be embarrasse­d to take another penny from the public purse! TLB


Javid sits there with his 2 grand pay rise and says this knife crime can’t go on, well do something about it then you moron! Anyone carrying a knife gets life, simple. M&M


Here’s a slogan for you Mr Javid “Knife means Life”. Only way to stop this madness! mOOseman


said it before get the police out of their cars and on the beat – only botherd about catching motorists. big imp


For Gods sake Theresa May do something about all these stabbings. Re-Employ the police you sacked. LEVI


here we go again more knife murders and who gets the blame, the police – we need more police on the streets, we need stop and searches, we need children educating. Absolute rubbish. Anyone that way inclined can go and get a murder weapon out of a kitchen drawer. You cannot stop this the only way is a severe deterrent to make offenders think about losing their life. anon


re the alarming spiralling of fatal knife attacks the home secretary and his gaffer (ex home sec) both saying the police should get out and start policing! Wat with? Between them twentytwo thousand cops bin cut from our forces – thats troops on the ground, thier goddess started it all by selling off all the facilities such as youth clubs, sports fields, swimming pools etc etc to property developers – there is nothing for our kids! Don’t they realise it takes yrs to train cops drs nurses armed forces etc etc. robtin


I’ve been wishing for a Party rout ‘Unite stooge Corbyn and pseudo-Brexiteer May, what do I get? A glut of ‘c’ list no-hope Wrexiteers led by Govish opportunis­t Umunna! Be careful what you wish for folks.



Where else in the world can you resign from your job and be unemployed and get a £2,000 pay rise, its bad enough our corrupt MPs that represent a party rip us off but we have the Witch of Wesminster Sourby and her coven who represent no one getting a pay rise as well for doing nothing. They should also be made to resign as MPs when they resign from a party.



I’m sick, tired and weary of Brexit now. It’s like the Middle East, no soloution!

Steve Rhyl


EU is closing tax dodging loopholes on the 1st of april, that is the real reason the brexiteers want out on the 29th march. THE PLEB


what on earth are we tax payers doing letting cressida dick and her incopentan­t police force wanting another 3k to fund the useless Maddie McCann case. She is taking the p ***. They have had £12 million so the McCanns should fund the case by themselves. Wise Ged


Like anybody else my heart goes out to the Mcanns searching for poor Maddie but is it really justified spending more public money after all these years? John, London


That pitiful excuse 4 a human bein ceon broughton who filmed his dying girlfriend, gets just 8 & half yrs. Shud hav been double.



The three men from Lincs filmed torturing pigs only got eight week suspended sentences. It’s a joke. The b ****** s should have been locked up. Marlene Northants


Again justice system looks after killer s**t like Philpott more money for appeal, another £20,000. anon


Funny isn’t it. The government cut cut & cut back. But can find £££££££ when it comes to trash like mick philpott. Paul lancs


Man throws egg at Corbyn, gets charged with assault. Man throws egg at John Prescott, Prescott throws punch back, no charge?? Confused. D. Evans. Birmingham


With all the fads about so-called ‘healthy’ eating (How can vegan diet be healthy when it cuts out the three main protein foods – meat, fish and dairy?), it’s good to see that one of our traditiona­l foods, the pie, gets it’s fair share of the limelight with this week British Pie Week. Meat and pastry, a combinatio­n so tasty!

Dave Pinfold, Stockport Duffy

 ??  ?? parade Frankfurt’s of shows a contempt people with the BritishMay on the a giant Mrs reveals toilet. It just their turd reich attitude.
parade Frankfurt’s of shows a contempt people with the BritishMay on the a giant Mrs reveals toilet. It just their turd reich attitude.
 ??  ??
 ??  ?? ®Saw Gregory’s Girl at the weekend, pic of Clare Grogan pls.
®Saw Gregory’s Girl at the weekend, pic of Clare Grogan pls.

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