Daily Star

Let’s get rid of every MP and start all over again


❑ Let’s have an election BUT none of existing MPs are allowed to stand again. Roy ❑ Parliament recalled, one big slanging match, what was achieved? Absolutely nothing! Useless t**#s. Mooseman

❑ All the fuss MPs made about going back to work, I watched a debate later in the day and there were only a handful present. tubs ❑ These must be the worst assembly of MPs to gather under one roof ever. Parliament should be dissolved, get new blood in. SPIKE

❑ One minute House of Commons is chocka block next minute it’s nearly empty. Where the f *** do they all go. SCOUSE ❑ if half a dozen judges can make laws up an over rule Prime ministers etc. cheaper to just employ them, and sack the 650 MPs. REALBOB

❑ can’t understand what boris is doing wrong. Watching parliament it was opposition party’s that were doing all the shouting and abusing. Disgusted at the lengths they are going to. j nottm

❑ Remainers in parliament are not happy with Boris Johnson’s language? Of course they’re not, they would rather he spoke French! Duffy

❑ When the Supreme Court judges made their ruling on prorogatio­n how could they have possibly been unaware that it would aid the Remain cause? This prompts the question: are they all Remainers? If yes then how could their decision not have been influenced by their own beliefs? Alan Meadowcrof­t

❑ didn’t agree with the 11 remainer judges, can we go again with 11 brexit judges? Brian. Sheffield ❑ What a disgusting show put on by Parliament it proves they are not interested in the British public and for the leader of the Lib Dems using her child in an argument which had no part of the arguments that’s bad that’s hiding and scraping the barrel. GRAFTER

❑ I suppose if Boris decides to team up with Farage the lefties will dig out a law out saying he can’t.


❑ Anti Democracy is like cancer spreading through the Houses of Commons, Lords & now the Judicial system and will finally kill this great country. ANNE FIELD

❑ suggestion­s any1, for renaming parliament, I’ll start the ball rolling with “The Clangers’.’ BOB

❑ I fear the UK will become a bigger political basket case than it already is especially when 14.7 million voters, including myself, realise that their vote in the brexit referendum stood for absolutely nothing in the great scheme of things and will never cast their vote again. The old saying is quite true, if your vote was to be meaningful they wouldn’t give you one. Can’t wait for the treacherou­s traitors to come knocking on my door when a general election is finally called. Rob chorley

❑ Donald says boris is going nowhere what the f***$ it got to do with him he’s a bigger p ***k than boris. dd

❑ rportz hav 7 isreali fite jets at raf base in lincshire training. Y? R the UK ready t join another mideast war? Again? ARFAGREEK

❑ Scientists saying dwindling numbers of cod could be linked to climate change. Nothing to do with North Sea being ravaged by EU countries then. Anon

❑ Thomas Cook collapses holiday makers stranded people’s dreams in shatters. Guess what? chief Peter Frankhause­r flees home and hires team of security guards. He should be brought to task. Phil N I

❑ Thomas Cook has managed to keep more people out of the country in one week than the home office have managed in 10 years.


❑ To Col, Sunderland, down here in London if you live in a London borough you get a free 60+ Oyster card once you turn the big 60. It’s a God-send for getting around the capital. FLOYD

 ??  ?? havent seen much of the beautiful Jennifer Anniston lately a pic of the lovely lady please. TonyB
havent seen much of the beautiful Jennifer Anniston lately a pic of the lovely lady please. TonyB

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