Daily Star

HEIR TODAY & THEY’LL BE GONE TOMORROW Charles’s plan to reduce The Firm

I told you I was ill

- ■ by NICHOLAS BIEBER news@dailystar.co.uk

DISGRACED film boss Harvey Weinstein released this photo of himself in a hospital to prove he is not faking illness.

The movie mogul, 67 – accused of five rapes and a sexual assault, all of which he denies – was seen shuffling into a bail hearing on a walking frame.

He has been accused of faking frailty to win sympathy ahead of the start of his trial on January 6.

But a spokesman for

Weinstein said last night he had a three-hour back op in New York on Thursday to fix injuries caused in a car accident in the summer. ■

The spokesman said: “The idea he is faking his illness is ridiculous.”

PRINCE Charles’s hit list of relatives he wants to boot out of the Royal Family has been revealed.

The heir to the throne has long been reported to want to reduce the family to a core group.

He is said to want to trim down the number of working royals to a bare minimum – just his wife, children, their wives, and their children.

And the recent Prince Andrew crisis over Jeffrey Epstein has potentiall­y given his plan a head start, experts have revealed.

Brittani Barger, deputy editor of the Royal Central news website, said: “I think it goes without saying that the Duke of York will never be added back as a working royal.

“I think the Earl and Countess of Wessex (Prince Edward and Sophie) will no longer be working royals under a King Charles or even Princess Anne.”

Brittani said the streamline­d plan was more in line with how many European royal houses operate. Meanwhile

Charlie Proctor, editor of Royal Central, added: “In time, the Cambridge children will also become part of ‘The Firm.”

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CORE: Charles

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