Daily Star

Fantastic Fallon is rocking my world


fantastic fallon sherrock wins 2nd match on a bullseye! a new word for the english dictionary “sherrocked” – beaten hands down. STAN the BOARDMAN

Stop the racism, especially in football. We have many black footballer­s in our premier league, they are human just like the rest of us. They are skilled at what they do, and don’t deserve the abuse they get, skin colour should make no difference. Those that abuse them should be banned and fined, it is not acceptable. Mooseman

The racism shown at football games could soon be sorted, just remind these idiots that its them that are paying players wages, shows how thick those lot are it achieves nothing and the idiots need life bans. Stockton jeff

Hey Katie Price why don’t you just f**k off you boring self obsessed tw*t. TOBY

Where did Katie Price get the title glamour girl from. She’s f ***** g scary & duck lips with it. BILKO

Those who are suffering from cruel Tory cuts had to endure radio presenters boasting about their own luxury Christmase­s. Porcupine Fizzy

the only thing that johnson and the tory will be rememberd for is poverty and heartache. Sandy s

I never ever thought I’d vote Tory but did this time. I voted Leave like 17.4m others but my Labour Party went against us. It’s a warning. SPIKE

my heart goes out to all the dogs that will be dumped over christmas because of peoples stupidty and to the dogs that spend months if not years. hope they find someone soon. Damien in streatham

 ??  ?? BULLSEYE: Sherrock
BULLSEYE: Sherrock

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